Chapter 15 ♥

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Chapter 15


 Weeks passed. Not much has happened; many tears were shed, but that stopped awhile ago. I was now in the stage of trying to distract myself. I had taken upon a yoga class, and I went running every morning and night. 

Not only did that help by keeping me distracted, it also kept me feeling healthy. Ever since my accident I had been lazy and hadn't done much. 

I grabbed my hoodie from the usual spot on the back of my door and slipped on my Nike's. Putting in my earbuds, I blasted OneRepublic. A small smile formed on my lips as I quietly hummed to the familiar tunes. 

I decided against my usual route for the night, and took the next road over. I started off walking, but soon my feet picked up the pace; falling into a pattern as my feet slammed against the tar. 

I closed my eyes momentarily, breathing in the cool Californian air. I opened them again, looking across the road to a field where the sun was setting. I stopped for a moment taking in the beautiful sight. The sun was halfway gone, the sky around it exploding in colors of pink and orange. 

I decided to capture the moment and took a picture for Instagram. 

"Although things may be rough, it's still good to enjoy the little things." 

I shoved my phone back into my pocket. Taking one last glance at the sunset that was slowly dissapearing, I took off in a slow jog further down the road. 

After a few minutes, I noticed that the sky was getting increasingly darker. I decided to head home before it got too dark. I turned around heading in the direction of my apartment. 

Soon I got to my road and saw my apartment building. 

I slowed to a walk but stopped in my tracks when I heard a noise that sounded like footsteps behind me. I turned around, but nothing was in sight. Goosebumps ran down my arms as I started walking down the road, faster this time. 

I had almost gotten to the building when I felt cold sweaty hands cover my mouth. I started to scream but stopped when I saw the shiny object placed on my neck.

"Scream and you're done." The voice sent shivers down my spine. It was deep, and something about it put me on edge. 

I merely nodded as I was starting to get dragged away. I didn't put up a fight, I knew that I was too scrawny to get away anyways. 

I could feel tears prick my eyes. 

Soon I was shoved into the back of a white van, one that reminded me of a rapists fan. I started trembling at the very thought. Was he going to rape me?

His hand released from its spot on my mouth. I was about to start screaming, but something hit me across the head before I could even squeak; knocking me out cold. 

I am so so so so so so so sorry it took me so long to write this! I started school on Monday and it's been crazy. This is going to be a looooong school year. It also took me awhile because I am working on a little project..... (: I can't wait for yall to see it! 

Until next time... xo M

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