Bald POS

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Wade and Hadley shared a pair of headphones, an earbud in his ear and one in hers. Wade had chosen to listen to the song 'Shoop' by Salt N' Peppa for motivation. Dopindir thought it was strange to drop them off in the middle of the bridge and honestly, Hadley was put off by it too. Sure, they had gone over most of the plan, but she didn't recall it involving them dangling their legs from over 30 feet up in the air. Hadley pushed any doubt aside though. She knew Wade was smart and that he had a plan. He always did.

Bouncing her shoulders up and down as she danced a little, Hadley looks over to see Wade coloring in a crappy drawing with crayons. An arrow pointing to him, noting that he is in fact Deadpool, the other arrow aiming at a small dead guy in all black named Francis. Hadley giggles a little and asks calmly,

"Where am I?" Her smile is warm and she feels Wades hand run over her thigh.

Hadley was instantly taken a back, remembering her dream. She shuffles slightly away from him and raises a brow.

"Yo, DP, why aren't you answering?"

"Mon, I said I wasn't losing you again," Wade says as he uses his other hand to lift Hadley's skirt.

Hadley shutters under his touch and immediately wants to hit herself for even feeling such things.

Under her skirt, he slides in a phone.

"Wait, what? Deadpool-"

"I'm going to call you when I need you, but do not come down unless I say."



Tucking his silly drawing into one of the sword holsters on his back, Hadley watches as Wade flawlessly drops into the sunroof of some random SUV, followed by many others. It was Francis and his goons. The same ones that shoved Al around... Well, two of the three.

"Fuck!" Hadley screams, jumping down not so flawlessly.

Of course she heard Wade, but there was no chance in hell she was going to let this match be an unfair headcount.

Plus, she couldn't stand the fact that after Wade was fixed, after he was back with Vanessa, she might not ever see him again even though he claims he couldn't lose her. Hadley wasn't sure what would happen once Vanessa was back in the picture. If she'd even allow them to remain friends.

Hadley was in luck, her body plummeting into another sunroof, one separate from the truck Wade was in. Where did she start?

The men all looked at her, the one to her right wore a devilish grin. Hadley just once again realized what she was wearing.

"Shit!" She bit her lip, thinking of where that phone could've flown to.

"Hi, I'm looking for... Francis." She says with a stupid grin.

The men's smiles turned sour and the guy to her right pulled out a pocket knife, quickly trying to stab into her side. But the knife doesn't budge. Instead, the blade bends.

Shakily dropping the knife, the mans eyes widen.

"Next time you stab someone, you should really make sure their skin punctures first."

With a smile, Hadley head butts the shank-y guy, elbowing the one to her left and knocking them both out. The driver suddenly being shot in the head.

"Fucking! Shit!" Hadley presses her hands to the roof of the SUV and holds her self in place as the truck tumbles nearly four times. If she hadn't killed those guys with her strength that probably caused tons of head trauma, they were definitely dead now.

Hadley hears guns firing like crazy, Wades voice chiming a small,

"See? This guys got the right idea! He wore his brown pants!"

And the shots continue.

Hadley couldn't even focus on Wade, she had to focus on herself getting out of the wreckage around her.

Once she finally came out, she notice Wade looking in the SUV's that weren't completely flipped.

"Franciiiiis? Where are you?" Wade sang, shutting one of the black doors with his perfectly shaped butt.

Hadley walks over to him, her skin still seamless.

"You shot the fucking DRIVER?" She punches him in the arm and once she's gotten his attention, his eyes narrow.

"Mon! I told you stay the fuck up there!"

"I wasn't going to ditch you! This is my mission too! We had a deal!" Hadley knew that keeping most of her reasons hidden was best.

"A deal?!"

"I'm helping you get the fucker! It's not just your life he's screwed up! It's not just you who went through all this shit for powers we don't want! I want to fucking KILL HIM!" Hadley was so angry and she wasn't sure if it was really about Francis or her growing tension.

"You know wh-"

Flying passed both of them comes a guy on a motorcycle.

"Jesus fuck!" Wade shouts, shooting out one of the tires.

The motorcycle spins out and the man falls beside the highway walls. Taking out one of his katanas, Wade walks up to the man and shoves a sword deep into his shoulder, kicking off his helmet.


"Good to finally meet you. You're the crazy fuck killing off my men."

"I'm heart broken... You don't remember us."

"Us?" Francis raises a brow and Hadley, her blood boiling just looking at the low life, steps into his view.

"You're mistaken, I could never forget a body like that. I miss touching it, toying with it. Tell me, Hadley, how have you be-"

Wade cuts him off by punching him across his jaw.

"Don't you fucking talk about her like that."

Francis starts to laugh as blood spills from his lip.

"Have I offended you? You obviously have a sentiment for that woman. No surprise that you've met before. Still sticking up for your girl, as usual, I must say I'm impressed, Wade Wilson. Sticking up for her never saved her. It made her life so much worse. Thought you would've learned your lesson by now."

"Ohhhh you piece of bald shit. That's not my girl. That's my best friend. You know who my girl is and why I'm here. You better fix my fugly mug before I shove 18 bullets up your god damn British asshole so I can be with her again!"

"Wade!" Hadley screams, noticing a large metal man come straight toward him, knocking him far from Francis and into a car.

Yupp, that's gonna hurt. Who the fuck was this guy?

Maximum Effort (Deadpool X OC) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now