The Mansion

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"I don't want to do it, you do it!" Hadley shoves Wade.

"No! You!" Wade shoves Hadley.

The two argue back and forth, deciding which one of them should knock on the mansion door.

"They know you better!"

"Exactly! Which is why YOU should do it!"

Hadley snorts and giggles a little.

"Yeah, you're probably right."

Hadley grabs one of Wades arms and bends it backwards behind his back, pushing him closer to the door.

"You do it." She whispers.

Wade groans loudly and finally knocks, in reality, they've wasted a good 15 minutes. Hadley was suddenly in the best mood she's been in since... She met Wade. She hasn't felt that happy in nearly 8 years. And it was all because she had a chance with Wade. Even though the realization that she felt strongly toward him had only come through a few days prior, she couldn't believe she had a chance. He was the funniest, still the most incredibly handsome and skilled man in the entire world. At least, Hadley thought so. Aside from the fact that she had him trapped between her and Negasonic in a tight grip. She giggled at this. She was much stronger than Wade. As Hadley stared at Negasonic, she recollects the name 'Power Man'. How she had that mans abilities. She bites her lip and let's go of Wade, the teenager raising a brow at them both. Who was Power Man?

"Lovers quarrel?"

"Jealous?" Wade asks, jokingly.

That was the only thing that could ruin Hadley's mood. She wasn't even sure Wade felt the same. I mean, they were on a mission to save his fiancé. Although he claimed they were different, too different for a relationship, them not getting back together wasn't set in stone.

"Not really." Negasonic chews on her gum, blowing a bubble.

"Hey, Wade, honey? You suck at this. Negasonic?" Hadley asks, pushing herself forward.


"We need your help. And colossus's. Wow that sounds terrible... Colossususuuusususususus." Hadley giggles.

Negasonic's lips turned up in a smile and she rolls her eyes.

"I don't think he likes Wilsons line of work."

"Tell him... I'll think about joining your butt buddy team if he helps." Wade pipes in, resting his chin on Hadley's shoulder.

Hadley nudged him off slightly. Wade was completely oblivious to her feelings, the butterflies.

"Um. No. You tell him." Negasonic opens the door a little more for Hadley and Wade to walk in.

Hadley had never seen a place so beautiful. She stared in awe up at the chandeliers, walking in a small circle.

"Holy shit." She whispers to herself, suddenly feeling an arm wrap around her shoulder.

"I'm gonna go find that giant metal cock." Wade says, giving Hadley a small squeeze before walking off in another direction.

Of course, that means Hadley and Negasonic were left alone.

"So... No offense but, what do you do for fun around here? This place is beautiful but looks ancient." Hadley giggles, following Negasonic around.

They stepped into a large living room, and against the wall was a MASSIVE tv and surprisingly, an X-Box.

"Have you ever played Just Dance?"

The smile that was tugging onto Negasonics lips sort of frightened Hadley. Sure, she lived in the 21st century, but Hadley had no clue what Just Dance was. She ran away at 14, came from a poor family, hurt others to get necessities of living. She didn't understand luxuries, period.

"No..." Hadley's voice cracked.

"Seriously? What world are you from?"

"A really fucking messed up one." Hadley smiles warmly and watches the teenager start up the game console.

"Just follow their dance moves on screen. We'll start out easy."

"O-okay?" Hadley stutters, standing beside the other brunette.

Hadley was sort of surprised, she never thought Negasonic would actually do anything fun. Considering all of the teenage angst.

"It's Ellie, by the way." She smiles.


"My... Real name. Colossus would probably rip out my tongue for telling anyone but, I trust you. I like you, actually. You're pretty cool. Also... Anyone that can put up with Douchepool? You're Wonder Woman."

Hadley chuckles,

"It's easy when-"

"You like him. I know. I can tell."


"I'm a teenager. It's like liking a high school crush. Come on, let's play."

Hadley blushes and turns her head to the screen.

"Which song?"

"I haven't.. Had a radio..?"

Ellie rolls her eyes and chooses a song called 'Telephone' by Lady GaGa.

"Ready? Go!" The tv shouted in a booming male voice.

Hadley followed the dance moves as best she could. She would be lying if she said the song wasn't catchy. Hadley was really getting into it, which made Ellie laugh at her. But this didn't stop her from getting down. Hadley was waving her hips all over the place.

"Tonight I'm not takin' no calls cause I'll be dancin'!"

"Stop calling, stop calling!" Hadley even started to sing along.

Hadley read the words freestyle come onto screen and knew exactly what that meant. She dropped her ass, twirling from side to side as she came back up, but her hips were greeted with red and black leather hands.

"We should really get you into a strip club. Scratch that, I'd waste sooooo much money!" Wade laughs, Hadley freezing.

"Oh come on! You ruined it!" Ellie groans, stomping her foot.

"Negasonic, it is not time for dance, it is time for saving girl." The thick accent of Colossus spoke.

"Yeah, well, she's never played."

Hadley wanted to scream. She felt incredibly embarrassed, and Wades hands wouldn't leave.

"Wait, we're actually helping?"

"Yes. Let us go."

"What? We just take a car? Colossus, if anyone knows we're with De-"

"Wilson have ride."

"Shot gun!" Hadley scurries away from Wade, her head in her hands.

She rushes quickly to the cab, leaving the other 3 slightly dumbfounded.

"Embarrassed? But she dance well." Colossus.

"Dude. She beat my high score..." Ellie.

Wade stares blankly ahead, unsure of what to say aside from,

"That ass."

Maximum Effort (Deadpool X OC) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now