Overgrowth Part 2 chapter 1/2

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Years passed, and Sans and Flowey grew as close as to even be friends. They visited Frisk's grave every week, and did not stop praying and hoping for Frisk to come back.

A dozen years passed, and they were beginning to loose hope. Sans and Flowey practically moved into the ruins despite being able to live on the surface if they wanted to. They simply couldnt get over their grief for their selfless friend. But even they grew more distant to each other, and Flowey had noticed that Sans has been keeping a knife in the Tent he had put up to live in. He hardly talked, and Flowey was starting to loose hope too. When would Frisk finally come back? Things cant go on like this for very long...

It was raining... Alot. I walked through the strange, skyscraper like city... of monsters. I'd only heard tales of this place and it's inhabitants. Apparently, after freeing themselves, monsters had changed... they had become cruel over time. But at the same time, humans had changed, too, since they had felt so much guilt for locking monsters away. Humans had always still remembered the kindness and generocity of the monsters they fought back then, and probably would have freed the Monsters themselves had they not broken the Barrier on their own. Only because of all of theese Memories and history books did the humans gladly negotiate with the monsters and give up a share of their land that the monsters could call their little Kingdom. Suddenly, a little yellow star cought my attention. I turned towards it. Either it was a normal thing to the monsters walking around, only their silhuettes visible under their dark colored or black Umbrellas, or only I could see it and I was going Insane. I was a bit curious though, and reached my hand out towards it. I heard a strange sound, and then my hand passed right through the glowing light. I pulled my hand back and looked around... A monster similair to a lizard or a underwater snake turned towards me and looked at me with a cold glare, yet he quickly turned away and continued walking. It was one of the only monsters who didnt have an Umbrella because it probably liked the rain. I on the other hand was soaking wet, and as I turned around to face the strange star again, I sneezed. I tried grabbing or further trying to inspect the star for the next few minutes, but the rain just got worse and the litte light just didn't seem to exsist. So eventually, I just turned, lowered my head and continued walking. I was thinking about what had happened about an hour ago... I had escaped. You see, I am an orphan, and it sounds just as bad as it is... was. I was in this... human orphanage, but they decided to move the place to a different town, and as the Bus had stopped to take a break not far from the border to the Monster Kingdom, I had managed to flee. I had not always been anorpahn, but... I try not to think about the time before that... Or to think too much at all. I had been running for so long, yet I eventually reached this place, the city of monsters. I also thought about the change of atmosphere, climat and Nature as I had crossed over the Border. I had been surprised no one had tried to stop me...But apparently, the Border had not been guarded for some reason. The monsters were only cooperating with humans because of what had happened to the last human, the seventh... It was quite the sad story, but there were so many variations of it it was hard to tell myth from truth. I lifted my head a bit to see that I was reaching the outskirts of the town and that the buildings were getting lower and the gardens more frequent. I didnt care though, I doubt that any monster would give me shelter of any sort. Suddenly I noticed a small monster sitting at the side of the road, also with no Umbrella, but with a soaking wet sweater. I approached it and saw it was a dinasour like, dark yellow armless Monster. He didnt even lift his head. Poor thing, I thought. I stopped infront of him and thought of anything I could give him, but I had nothing. Except... I suddenly rememberedthat I had a small candy bar in my Pocket. Maybe... 'Um... excuse me, sir' He didnt lift his head. Maybe he didnt hear me? The rain WAS quite loud. 'Um... sorry to bother you, but...' Still, no response. So I kneeled down and looked at him. He looked at me, then back at the floor. 'What. Do you. Want.' His voice was sharp, but I couldnt help but hear the sadness in it, and he was clearly hungry and cold. I held out my hand with the candy bar. He lifted his head a tad bit.' What is this? Are you trying to mock me?' 'N-no. Please, have this. I couldnt help but see you being so sad, and... ' 'And WHAT.' 'And I thought you might like this. Here!' I held it closer to him, until I realized my mistake. He didn't have arms... 'Ohmygosh, I-I didnt realize... Im so sorry... How do you usually eat? I mean, you dont have arms, so...' He answered by looking at the candy Bar and making it float mid air. 'Telekinesis.' Then he looked down at the Floor again. I imagined it being hard to unpack a sweet with telekinesis, so I quickly unpacked it and held it in my hand with my hand open. He levitated it in the air, then hesitated. 'Are you... Serious? Or is that just poison?' He looked at me with a confuesed and suspicious look. 'N-no, It's not' 'Prove it.' I broke off a small piece of the candy bar and put it in my mouth. I chewed and gulped, then I held it towards him again. The look in his eyes shifted as he picked up the candy bar, took a small bite of it... And devoured it completely in a few seconds. He lifted his head completely up now and looked at me, silent. I stood up and smiled. 'Your welcome, I hoped you liked it. Have a nice day!' I continued walking further away from the town, my smile slowly fading, as I hoped that I had done the right thing... Im pretty sure I did, but you can never be sure. Suddenly, I saw Mt. Ebott in the distance, a Staircase leading up to the entrance to the Underground... The former Prison of monsters. I was... curious. And there was this strange other feeling pulling me towards it, so I slightly changed my direction and after some more walking, I left theTown and stood at the foot of the great mountain that had held so much kindness and later cruelty captive. I felt my steps weaken, and a silent voice creeped in my head... give up. But my curiosity kept me going, and I eventually reached Mt. Ebott and started climbing the strangely dark purple stairs. The rain slightly eased. As I had went about halfway, I was already panting, and as I took another Stair, I slipped and feel hard on one of the stairs edges as I felt Pain shoot up my spine. Tears of Pain flowed down my cheeks and I just laid there for a couple minutes. The Pain slowly eased, I fought myself back up and continued walking. I had nothingto loose anyway. After taking 2 more breaks, I reached the top of Mt. Ebott and looked down the white hallway that had once held The Barrier... I shivered. Then I took a few steps inside and realized that it was much warmer in here than outside. I immidiently thought of the Monster I had met and asked myself why he didnt just stay here, since it was much warmer and probably safer. But I continued walking since he probably had his fair reasons, although the thought still occasionally struck my mind and caused me to feel guilt. As I quickly turned back and started walking outside, I noticed that there had been a similair star in the ruins as I had seen outside...I continued walking out though since I knew I could not do anything with the seemingly invulnurable stars. Until I suddenly saw two silhuettes stand at the entrance of the Ruins. The two monsters hadnt seen me yet and were talking... One of them looked like a gigantic Dog with Armor and a big, red tiped spear in his Hand, while the other Dog was much smaller and seemed to have something like a black hoodie and an Axe. 'Do you think Undyne will find out we left our post?' The smaller one said. 'I dont think so. Nobody ever comes here anyway' The bigger Monster had a much deeper and rougher voice... They were both Males. 'You sure, Greater Dog?' 'Of course. We havnt seen anyone here for like, half a yea- ' The bigger monster suddenly stopped and looked at me. He growled. 'Well, look who we have here. A lost, young human. You didnt happen to...overhear our conversation, did you?' I froze in Place, too shocked to move or say anything. So this Place WAS guarded. And I was about to die here, lonely, forgotten... I dont think anybody of the orphanage will even miss me. And as I saw an Axe belonging to the smaller Guard fly towards me, I quickly closed my eyes and lifted my hands, but the Axe was quicker and hit my chest at full force. I screamed in Pain as I felt my Soul being shattered and torn apart. I had never felt so much agony in my entire Life...

Overgrowth (Unofficial) Part 2 (Undertale AU: Flowerfell)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon