Overgrowth Part 2 chapter 2/2 (short)

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FINALLY. I have encountered a Boss monster and beat it! PAH! That strange big monster in the wood patch along with its little weak moths, wich were basicly just free exp, and I need that. Im now LV twenty-nine, and Im pretty confident Im ready, but I just need a little bit more time. That pet seems completely naive to anything, so it hasnt even noticed me once. Also, Im finding out a few very interesting things about monster dust. Its not just any dust, you see. Its quite unique. When I have the POWER of SAVE and LOAD, im going to experiment a bit with it, but now I have different things to focus on. Also, another great score for me: I got the knowledge about how the ridicilously WEAK Flower followed my advice. Hah. Guess I dont have to worry about those two Goat monsters anymore. Everybody is a bit Insane and cruel, no matte rhow much they try to hide it. Im going to encounter that fluffprincess someday, and then Ill show her what it really means to live: Either you live on your own, or YOU DONT. How dare that IDIOT think that everybody will eventually have mercy? That. Wont. Ever. HAPPEN. I know, Ive tried, but its impossible. I dont even think the skeleton should be a problem, since I found out the sucker only has 1 HP. Pffft. How did he even live so long? Whatever. I dont care. I can already feel the Power inside me from ONE Boss monster soul. It will be more than enough to defeat that little group. But there is one more thing: This child who stole my rights to harness the POWER is dying over and over all on its own. I just need to wait till she is blind, or even unable to move at all. And then it will be so easy, just a few cuts, and Its DONE. I can already imagine it, but now...More preperations. There is still one more Monster I need to shut out. I stand up from the corner I was sitting in and start walkingout of the dark dead end. I come to a more crowded street, where the monsters dont pay attention to me. I had been very careful with who I kill and where. These idiots still didnt suspect a thing. I was going to kill them all. It cant be long now. I went to the middle of the road and quickly picked my target. Then I pretended to'accidentally' knock into the monster and hit him to the side. The monster was immdiently knocked out. Pff, and HE looks like a dinasaur, and that icky yellow tone... cant stand it. I quickly pushed him further down the ally. I slowly came closer as he woke upand was conscious once again. I could see the fear in his eyes, no, the TERROR in his eyes. I slowly came closer and closer. I heard a quiet, weak whimper from the useless monster that was about to increase my EXP. Until I suddenly noticed that he was a BOSS MONSTER. But how? He was so small, not even fighting back. Well, then, this is going to be easier... than I thought.


I was walking through the streets with Sans as I had countless times before, until I suddenly noticed a strange flash to our side, as something dark whizzed past. I turned towards him and he seems to have seen it too. We stood there for a moment, but nothing else changed, so we continued walking. We were doing what we always did for a month now. We befriended another monster that day, although it had costed me a few deaths. Ive gotten much better at dodging, but...I still died occasionally. I had been trying very hard not to think about, not to let it affect the way I act, but... It feels like I lost my left Arm, and my right arm is not far from it. I cant feel any of my toes either, and... My right eye is covered. I cant move the Flowers aside either. And I hadnt been able to meet any of the monsters I had befriended, but I trusted in the fact that they were being kind. They just had to be... Or everything I did had been acomplete waste. But that cant be, no, it wont be. As long as I stay determined, as long as I listen to my heart, nothing can go wrong, I was sure of it. I had these Powers for a reason, and I was using them right. I had never had this much confidence in my entire life, although even now I still worry about needless things sometimes. Yet I always have sans to back me up, and I have my heart to tell me the way.

Overgrowth (Unofficial) Part 2 (Undertale AU: Flowerfell)Where stories live. Discover now