About a Girl

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I can't sleep. Not matter how hard I try. I pick up my phone and decide to text, one of my best friends, Nick Jonas. 'Hey'

Thankfully he's a quick texter and a night owl.

Jick Nonas: are you okay Dem?

He knows how hard this would be for me, he knows what happened before and knows more about me than sometimes I know about myself.

'Not the best' I answer.

I decide to switch between texting him and playing the game Flappy Bird on my phone. Trust me I know the game is stupid but it helps me with my anger problems. It teaches me patience. At least that's what my therapist said to me.

Jick Nonas: what's wrong?

'This is killing me' I answer quickly

This bird needs some better fucking wings.

Jick Nonas: are you talking to her or being distant?

First this bird can't fly and now Nick's asking questions that I know he knows the answer to.

'What do you think?' I let my sass seep out a bit with my message.

I pick my head out of my bunk curtain and see Selena watching tv on the couch. I feel my phone vibrate and tear my eyes off of Selena.

Jick Nonas: you guys need to have a talk. There needs to be closure. I know you both have a lot of explaining to do.

I love how he can be unbiased, but not right now. One things for sure Selena has a lot of explaining to do. Leaving me at my most desperate time, letting the darkness take me until I was so low I couldn't take it any more. I couldn't handle myself. I look back at Selena, still laying on the couch, her glasses sitting on her face, and her pajamas on. She looks so content. I'm glad she hasn't noticed me basically staring her down.

I decide to get back in my bunk and go to sleep.

I'm in my jeep that I got when I was 16, driving fast down an empty road. I have no clue where I am but I don't care.

What was an empty passenger seat is now filled, Selena's in it. Her smile from driving fast is intoxicating. It's taking everything in me to keep my eyes on the road. Her laugh fills the silence as she throws her hands up.

I take my eyes off the road for a second to take in her beauty. Her face turns from carefree to scared in second. My eyes shoot back to the road and there's a clif in front of me. I slam on my breaks and almost flip my jeep. I've stopped just in time from flying my jeep over the edge.

"Sing to me Demi," the raven haired beauty next to me requests.

I begin to sing to her, " I'm not in love, this is not my heart. I'm not going to waste these words about a girl." It's mine and Selena's song.

Selena begins to fade in and out. I don't know if I'm beginning to black out or if she's really fading. I hear the song continue, but Its not coming from me. It sounds like Selena's voice, but her lips aren't moving. I begin to hear it clearer.*

My eyes shoot open. It was just a dream. One weird ass dream. It felt all so real.

I hear that damn song, About a Girl. Selena's singing. She's really singing that god forsaken song.

I get out of my cubby and march to the bathroom, where her voice is coming from. She knows why it's our song. I haven't heard it since before rehab and I wasn't planning on ever hearing it again.

When I reach the closed bathroom door I begin to pound on it.

She opens the door with a shocked look on her face and her hair dripping wet, only wearing a towel. I haven't seen her like this since the last time we.... I shake the memory out of my head. I don't need to relive anything else.

"Can I help you?" Selena asks.

"Why are you singing that?" I almost yell.

"Umm because I like the song," she says keeping her arms across her chest to keep her towel up and probably add a little attitude. She's always been good at adding attitude.

"Why that fucking song?" I try to keep my voice stern and even, despite
The tears threatening to pour out.

"Because it makes me feel safe and happy still," she informs me.

She's trying to break me. I'm so unsure of my emotions right now. I want to yell, I want to cry. It's killing me to even look at her.

I can't even think of something to say to hold up my side of the argument, so I say the only thing that my mind can muster up, "fuck you Gomez."

I turn around and grab my shoes and leave.
I can't be by her right now.

The TourOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora