"Bunny YAY!"

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*Mike's POV*

A little while later, we were all hanging out in the living room of Lyrics apartment, when Johnnie spoke up. "Maybe we should take Lyric out for a while, get her mind off the book and just get her to let loose and have fun??" We all agree it's a good idea and then we start planning. At 6;30 in the evening, I go into Lyrics room and rip the covers from her sleeping form. "Hey..!" She tiredly groans, I laugh and say "We're all going out, so get up and get looking sexy.." I stop myself from finishing that sentence, smirking and quietly laughing to myself. "What's got you so smug looking?" Lyric asks, suddenly appearing in front of me. I jump in surprise which makes her giggle, I just tickle her and watch as she runs away to the bathroom. "Alright, alright. I'm getting ready!" I hear her yell, I laugh and take the clothes I picked out for her and put them on the sink for her.

"Thanks!" She says, in a oddly happy mood. I just smile at her, she smiles and hugs me tightly before shutting the door and turning on the shower. I walk back into the living room with a smile on my face. "Why are you so happy?" Alex asks, laughing a bit, I stick my tongue out at her and say "Because Lyric is feeling better and she agreed to go with us" They all suddenly brighten up and cheer in unison. After about half an hour, Lyric popped her head out the door. "Hey Alex, would you mind helping me?" Alex smiled and jumped up, grabbing her makeup and following Lyric back into her room.

*Alex's POV*

Lyric asked me to help her get ready, so I grabbed my makeup bag and ran. When I got into her room, she was wearing a black robe, and holding up two different outfits. "I don't know where we're going so I don't know if I should dress fancy or casual!" I giggled and she stuck her tongue out at me. "Casual, we are gonna go to the pier and act like a bunch of morons while Bobby takes pictures of us" I explain, she just nods before going into her bathroom. I set up my makeup and within 5 minutes Lyric walks out in light blue skinny jeans, white toms, and a white and black half sleeve top that stops just at the top of her belly button so you can see her blue stone anchor belly button ring. I smile and say "You look great!" Lyric laughs a bit and says "I haven't dressed up in a while so I went all out" I nod in approvement, making her laugh. "Okay let's get your makeup on!" I say before sitting her down and pulling out the concealer.

"Finally! Gosh, you girls take forever!" I hear Bryan whine as Lyric and I walk out. We just laugh and Lyric says "Oh hush up elf" None of us get it but apparently he does because he just laughs and they do a fist bump.. So odd. "Okay, now that the lovely ladies are ready. Can we go?" Mike asks, everyone grabs their stuff and we head out to the elevators. "Oh by the way, Bobby, this is Lyric, Lyr this is bobby" Kyle says, they smile and talk for a minute. I'm glad that everyone has kind of calmed down and we're all back to normal. For a while there things were kind of, off with a few of us. Now everyone's back to being happy and stuff.. Except for that..

"So I was thinking, a few of us could go on the ferris wheel and take some cool shots there?" Bobby asks, everyone agrees except Lyric. "Oh hell no" I hear her say as we all pile into the car. Mike laughs and says "Lyric doesn't do heights. You guys can do that and I'll take Lyric to the bunny thing" Mike hardly gets his words out before Lyric yells "Bunnies! YAY!" We all laugh at the way she says 'yay', which makes her blush and slouch down into her seat. Bryan drives, Robby is in the passenger seat, Johnnie, Bobby and I are sitting in the middle row, and Kyle is sitting in the back row with Mike and Lyric. I can hear them laughing, I keep looking back to see what's so funny. "What could possibly be that funny?" I hear Johnnie grumbling, I shrug and say "I don't have a clue.."

Thank you all for almost 900 reads ! C': ~Emma & Liz

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