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"Alright everyone, there is a new student today that should be here after class. I will need someone to help him get to his classes for this week. His name is Ian, Ian Hunt. Huh, any relation to you Emma?" our English professor Mr. Hallaway asks. "He is my brother, sir. Ian just returned from France. Today is his first day here on campus," Emma states. Mr. Hallaway looks at his attendance sheet and says, "Lily, would you care to show Mr. Hunt around for the week?" Lily looks up from her textbook and replies, "Of course, sir!" "Great! You will need to stay after class and wait for Mr. Hunt to find his way here. Show him around campus and to each of his classes if you would," Mr. Hallaway says, "Now, with that being said, let's get back to class".
Lily was excited to meet the new kid. She was always chosen to give tours and help the new students, not that she minded. If Mr. Hallaway hadn't asked her to show Ian around, Lily would have volunteered. Lily loved helping people. Between her friendly personality, empathetic nature and her dazzling smile, she could make anyone feel welcome and part of the group. She always went out of her way to make everyone happy. Lily is known as the mother figure of her group of friends. She was always checking to make sure people were doing well in their classes, reprimanding them if they aren't, she gave advice to people who wanted it, she lent her shoulder to people who needed to cry and comforted them like they were her own family. Lily had no enemies at school, everyone adored her. Lily was friends with almost everyone, including Emma, who was her best friend since high school. Lily thought it was strange how Emma had never mentioned that her brother was coming to school here. They always told each other everything. Lily decided that she would ask Emma when they get back to the dorm.
While Mr. Hallaway gave instructions on the recent assignment due next week, Lily had already completed it and handed it in to be graded, she spent the remainder of class thinking about what this new student, Ian, would be like. She wondered if he would be just like Emma, mirroring her thick brown hair and deep brown eyes that drew everyone in, an outgoing personality and a loud, boisterous laugh to complete the package. Maybe he would have deeply tanned skin like his sister from spending hours outdoors playing sports. Or maybe he would be completely different than his sister and wouldn't like to party a lot and would rather read in the library and get good grades. It always amazed Lily how someone could act so carefree and get drunk like everyone in college does. "They're all worry free," Lily thought, "Careless".
Lily thought about how different she and her twin brother, Scott, are. Scott is loud and outgoing. He is captain of the football team, so naturally he is friends with everyone. Scott has never done any drugs, but he parties after every game. He "knows how to have a good time", he tells Lily every time she brings it up. Scott makes everyone feel special, especially the girls in this school. It gets him into trouble sometimes. There was this one time in high school when Scott hooked up with this girl at a party. Scott thought it was just another hookup, but the girl got very upset when she woke up the next morning alone. Scott thought it was a mutual thing, an unspoken rule among all college kids, obviously this girl didn't get the memo. She started stalking Scott, following him to his classes and drove by the their house and sat outside in her car for hours just waiting for him to leave so she could talk to him. It got to the point where Adam, Lily and Scott's dad, asked why there was a "creepy girl" staring in to the windows. Scott had to explain to her to the best of his abilities that it was nothing more than a hookup and she had to stop following him. Thankfully the stalking stopped there, after he broke her heart. Scott learned his lesson and stopped being so friendly towards girls and made it very clear what he was looking for after that incident.
Scott needs Lily to tutor him in almost every class, like most of the football team. Most of the kids thought it was dumb in the beginning since they didn't care about their grades, they only cared about football. Their coach makes it mandatory to have at least a B average in their classes in order to stay on the team. So the football team goes to Lily for help, not that Lily minded. Lily loved helping people, and she had the highest GPA on campus. She has made most of her friends through her brother. After the football team found out that Scott was getting help in his classes, Lily started getting requests for help in return for free tickets to the football games. Once she started tutoring the entire team, getting 20+ tickets to each game became ridiculous so the football offered other things- like free food at the each game and whenever they all went out to eat after, a seat was saved just for her on the first bleacher to watch up close, and protection from any guys that try to hit on her- as a form of payment. Lily loved the free food and especially loved the protection from guys. They would always mistake Lily's friendliness for flirting and some needed a push to leave her alone- one of which the football team had absolutely no problem giving. Lily definitely didn't need any guys bothering her. She was perfectly content being alone and furthering her education without the distraction a boy would bring. That's what she convinced herself at least.

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