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Lily sees a guy step around the professor and walk up to her. He had on dark jeans with a gray t-shirt that fit snug and a black jacket completing the look. He was towering over Lily and appeared to be very athletic. You can tell he had strong legs by the way his jeans hung, his shirt was tight, and definitely not from being over weight. His arms were muscled and his abs were toned. He had dark brown hair, nearly black and tanned skin. His eyes were a hypnotic blue that Lily found herself getting lost in and had lashes darker and longer than anyone she has met. His lips, a soft pink, were full. Lily could almost feel them on her skin. This guy coughs and causes Lily to break out of the trance she was in. Lily could feel herself turning red as she meets his gaze. He smirks and says, "Hey, I'm Ian. You must be Lily." It takes a minute for her to process what is happening, then she blushes further and says, "Hi, I'm Lily. Pleased to meet you." "The pleasure is all mine," He states in a deep, sensual voice. He holds out his hand for a handshake and the motion catches Lily off guard. She jerks back as if being hit, and causes her chair to hit the back of the desk scaring her even more. As she tried to balance herself, her shoe gets caught on her chair and she starts to fall backward. Ian, who is watching her in mild amusement, grabs her arm to steady her, which sets Lily's nerves off. "I.. I'm sorry.. I'll umm.. be right back," Lily states as she steadies herself and rushes to the bathroom to escape the embarrassment that was unfolding right before her.
After rushing out of the classroom, Lily starts getting the same sensation as always, The hallway started spinning and she started feeling naseous. Lily knew she wouldn't make it to the bathroom, so she sits down with her back against a locker that is in the hall. Her breathing was sporadic and her heart was racing. Lily could hear someone walking towards her, but cannot look up to see who it is. She is shaking, too afraid to even move. Lily hopes whoever it is would just walk past her and let her be. She hated causing any attention to herself. As she is wheezing and desperately trying to catch her breath, Lily could see a shadow hovering above her. She looks up to see who it is, and is instantly shocked to see Ian there! She wants to just tell him to go away, but she is unable to speak. She wraps her arms around her knees and hides her face in her legs as if that would save her from the shame and embarrassment. She hated being like this, too afraid to function, having panic attacks every time someone got too close.
    Ian sits down on the floor in front of her and puts his hands on her shoulders as if to steady her, causing Lily to jump away and hit the back of her head on the locker behind her. She is desperate to get away from him, but is stunned by fear. Ian, sensing that something is not right here, holds Lily there so she wouldn't run away. Lily could hear him speaking to her, but could not make out what he was saying. "Calm...breath in.. Relax... That's it, breath in Lils, now out. Deep breaths. Good job, you're safe here Lils," Ian says to her. As she was relaxing a bit she could feel him rubbing his hands up and down her arm. It scared her, but she didn't have the strength to fight him. She was fading fast, her overwhelming emotions causing her energy levels to fall, she knew she was going to crash soon. "Are you good now?" Ian asks, "I know you're friends with my sister so I sent her a message to help out. She should be here soon." Lily looks up at Ian, and notices how bright his blue eyes are. His hair was short, but long enough to hang in his face. It was doing that now, giving Lily the urge to reach up and brush it back. That thought was unwelcome in Lily's mind and made her shiver just thinking about touching someone. Ian thought she was cold, so he pulls his jacket off and sets it gingerly on Lily's shoulders just as Emma and Lily's brother come out of class to help her.
    "What are you doing to my sister, get away!" Lily could hear Scott yell across the hall as he races towards her. Ian stands up and reaches a hand toward Lily to help her up. Lily looks up at him, biting her bottom lip as she battles her nerves on whether or not she should accept his hand. "Well are you going to get up," Ian says to her, "or are you just going to sit there all day?" Lily gets annoyed by his attitude and gathers all of her courage and takes his hand. He could feel her shaking from fear and grabs her so she doesn't fall over. "Hey get off of her!" Scott yells. Ian ignores him and looks into Lily's eyes and says, "Are you okay Lils? You're still a little wobbly." All Lily can do is nod her head, too shaken up to speak. "I know we can't really talk about what happened right now," Ian states, "but you will later." Lily noticing his serious face and nods back staring at the ground, not looking forward to that conversation. Lily can hear Scott and Emma walk over, probably unsure of what is happening. "Hey Lily, you okay?" Scott says to her as he approaches. "Can we leave?" Lily says to her brother, hoping to escape the rest of her classes. "Sorry Lily, I have classes that I can't miss," Scott tells her, looking sad that he can't take her home. "I cant either," Emma says, "I have a test in Chemistry." Lily sighs and looks down figuring out what she'll do for the rest of the day since she's in no condition to drive home and no one can take her. "You can go home with me," Ian states, "I was planning on bailing early anyway." Lily looked up at Ian, unsure of how to respond. "Thanks, but Lily will be safer here with us at campus," Scott says to Ian. Lily doesn't know what his problem with Ian was, but she was angry since Ian has done nothing wrong, he even helped Lily through her attack, which Scott has never been able to do. "No, I'll go if that's okay Ian?" Lily looks up at him. Ian sends a sly look towards Scott, then looks down at Lily, smirks and says, "Of course that's fine, grab your stuff and we'll head out." Lily goes to grab her bag from by the locker, thankful that Ian brought it with him when she rushed out of the classroom. As she was walking back she could hear Scott and Emma talking with Ian. "You leave her alone, don't mess with her," Scott states. Emma puts her hand on her brother's arm and says, "She's not like those girls you hang out with Ian, she's different. If you hurt her, you'll have a world of pain coming to you from everyone on campus, including me." "Right, don't touch her, don't speak to her, don't look her way. Otherwise the whole bloody school will come after me. What is she, some kind of angel sent from heaven?" Ian states angrily and rolls his eyes. "I'm sure Lils can take care of herself," Ian says. Lily walks up to them and stands by Ian. "Ready to go, short stuff?" Ian says to her, making Lily annoyed. She wasn't that short. Ian saw her annoyed look and laughs at her. He grabs her bag off of her shoulder, his fingers skimming her exposed skin making her shiver from the contact. She walks up to Scott to say goodbye, he touches her arm, making her jerk away in fear. Ian notices this reaction and walks up behind Lily, silently so she doesn't hear him. He is testing out a theory, gauging her reaction. Ian reaches out and places his arm around her, his hand on her hip. Lily tries to move away, as Ian suspected, and he lets her go. "Let's head out Lils, we're wasting daylight," Ian says. Lily looks at her brother and smiles, trying to reassure him. She turns and waves goodbye to Emma, before walking out with Ian, letting her curiosity get the better of her. As they walk up to his car, Lily reaches for the handle to open the door, she is startled when she feels a hand touches hers, reaching for the door. Lily tries to back up, but is trapped between the car and Ian's body. She starts shaking, afraid of what might happen. She could feel Ian's breath on the back of her neck as he says, "Relax Lils, I'm not going to do anything. Stay calm." She could feel his hand rub circles on her forearm, traveling up until it reaches her neck. She holds her breath, afraid to move at all. Lily feels his hand pull at her pony tail, her hair falling in loose waves around her. Ian runs his hands through her hair, twisting it around his finger. He starts to massage her scalp, with a gentle, yet firm grip. Lily's eyes roll to the back of her head, automatically relaxing. She didn't know what Ian was doing, but it was working.
Lily could feel her worries wash away as his almost practiced hands pushed her fears to the back of her mind. Ian notices that Lily was like putty in his hands and gives a light tug, pulling her hair just enough to cause Lily to gasp from the slight pain and pleasure of the sensation. He smirks when he hears that and takes his hand out of her hair, goes around to the driver's side and gets in the car. It takes Lily a moment to process what just happened, and when she does, she gets in the car and slams the door. She is angry, more so with herself than Ian. How could she let him touch her like that, she barely knew the guy! Even though he is incredibly hot and helped her when she was having a panic attack, she had to be more careful around him, Lily lectures herself. Ian, knowing Lily is probably battling more than a few feelings right now, doesn't speak and just starts up the car. Just as they were pulling out of the parking lot, Lily sighs loudly, dismissing her thoughts, causing Ian to look over at her. Ian raises a brow at her questioningly, making Lily blush. He smirks at her and pulls out of the parking lot, making Lily feel extremely nervous, in a good and bad way. Well, Lily thinks, here goes nothing.

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