Justin's Health and Purpose Tour

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Hey guys! I just wanted to talk about something that bothered me.

A few days ago, I was looking up random JB vids (as a Belieber does) to make me feel all warm inside. That is when I found a video about this girl who went to the tour. This is the first time I heard about Justin cancelling his Meet and Greets for the Purpose tour.

Those tickets were expensive! I thought he was getting back into his douchy ways. We don't need another JB 2014, do we?

But then, I saw this-

This scared me.

I want Justin to be okay, we all do. His health should come first right?

But a bunch of people paid serious money for tickets. They should get something, right?

I don't think this is all Justin's fault. He can't control where the money goes. Whoever is taking everyone's money needs to either get their shit together, or get fired.

At least we can all agree that we'll be there for him, no matter what happens.

What do you guys think? Are you for #cancelpurposetour ? Do you think Justin will be okay?

Bye guys. Here's some cute JB clips to make all of us feel better.

Ahh, the fuzzies are back again😊😊

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