The Misfits ~It's A Daily Thing~

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~~~After School/Detention~~~

Sophie's POV
Well, my routine after school is always the same thing, go home, listen to Mr. Carmack, get high, talk to Stiles, go to a rave, get high again and get high until I pass out and Stiles finds me outside on the lawn. Nothing special.

So I arrived to my shitty, but awesome apartment. It was cramped up with a whole bunch of cool old things such as, records, native things, boxes with childhood memories and my bong which I do drugs in, and my drugs are also all around the house.

So first off I snorted some cocaine, and then smoked a little weed. Stiles walked through the door and we did our little special handshake, then I went to rave party with a whole bunch of my older friends and we took some Molly's and danced. When I finally got home, I couldn't even make it to the first step and I was already knocked out, only thing I remember was pitch darkness.

You'd probably think I would be dead already but, this was a daily thing, I was already used to going to the doctors everyday and getting yelled at by Stiles every time i'm sober. I loved my lifestyle though, wouldn't exchange it for the world.
Ziggy's POV
After school was the worst part of my day, usually it would consist of me trying to get Amena out of the house, but today--Wednesday, I have to see my fucking psychologist. He was the stupidest guy present on this world, Donald Trump is better than this fuck! He swears he knows all of my problems and I just wanna fucking put a bullet through this fuckers head!

"ZIGGY HARTMAN! If you don't get your act together and if you don't get into this office right now I swear--!" My mom yelled.

"FINE! ILL FUCKING GO!" I punched a hole through the guys wall--many times actually. The whole wall is covered in white plaster, but I mess it up anyways might as well leave it.

"Mr. Hartman. Hello!"

"I punched another hole in your wall." My leg was jittery and I always kept a straight face.

"What's happening now...why are you so angry at this world?" I explained to him all my feelings, I'm actually surprised I'm not in a mental institution at this point. This time an actual Doctor came to visit, and he did a whole bunch of testing on my brain and stuff.

"Mrs. Hartman, can you please come into the room." my mom walked in and I was scared of what he had to say, he never clarified anything with me, and it's law that 18 and older has permission to tell them if they want other people to know what I'm diagnosed with.

"THIS IS ILLEGAL! What if I don't want my mom to know, I'm 18! I can make that decision!"

"Not if you're mentally unstable..."

"What--what are you saying?" My mom asked, we were both shocked.

"Your son is bipolar."
Stiles POV
After school wasn't anything I was looking forward to, I drove pass my old house all the time, the memories flooded back into my mind like tsunami's and it wasn't any good ones either. Another reason why I hated after school was because I saw that little bitchface friend of mine, ya know, the one who's always high. Always had to carry that girl back into the house, she never made it up the stairs.

Today was unusual, got the munchies since I was smoking today and I kinda missed hanging out with Zig, he seems like a really cool guy. Kinda feel bad for talking shit about him...I'm always talking shit, aren't I? Heh, I know Karate though.

Nothing special happened after school, just sat home eating all day, the usual.
Amena's POV
I don't wanna talk about it...just know after school was a terrible time for me. I pretty much sat in my room all day, never came out, avoided it as much as possible. I locked my door, nothing better than privacy, I had to learn that the hard way...being an introvert didn't exactly come naturally, I didn't chose this lifestyle, reading books are my escape, being with Zig makes me feel safe and Twenty Øne Pilots made me feel sane.

Too much happens after school to explain...I've gotten used to it, it's a daily thing.

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