Chapter 4

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I'm so scared for harry right now. What if she comes out here. Sees me in his hoodie and covered up with his cover will make her suspicious. when really i was just cold, like bad. Harry and Jamie were talking and i could hear her getting frustrated with him but its very very muffled.

By the time she left Harry came out and looked at me, i was shivering.

"oh my gosh." He helped me up and held on to me until we got to his bed. We sat down and he stared at me.

"I think My girlfriend and I are on the verge of breaking up, we've been fighting almost everyday about literately anything. I would talk to my friends and hang out with them and she gets super upset, or, or even if i talk to you or kaitlyn she thinks were going to make out or something and i told her we are just friends and that's what we will always be." he looks at me and i tried to make it look like i wasn't upset. I think he kinda gets it, but hes not for sure.

"Yea she shouldn't be so controlling about who you're friends with, i mean i do get where shes coming from like the jealousy and how we are getting to be friends but she has no right to say that you cant have like girl-friends and then turn around and talk to that guy at Starbucks." i explained.

He nodded, " But especially when i go and pick her up from her house, she is always in a bad mood and if i ask her what is wrong she snaps at me , Arden, i personally don't think i can take the stress anymore, i'm always upset and in a bad mood, but with my friends i am super chill, and around you..i feel calm." He looked at his hands.

I felt my face heat up. "Well i think its because i get you. like i know its not fair for your girlfriend to do that to you. Its seriously not even fair. you're a grown guy, you should be able to pick your own friends, try sitting down and talk to her about. Maybe she will try to get the idea of you wanting your own space like you know what i mean, right?" I asked.

"Yea, i mean maybe she will understand i just don't wanna us to end our relationship. its almost been a year. " he looked at me, his eyes sparkling. i think he was tearing up.

"Don't end it, there has to be a solution, okay tomorrow make a reservation at crossroads and i want you to take her out. then after that talk to her, or just talk to her there just tell her me and kaitlyn are just your friends and that we just became friends and that we don't even hang out all the time so it doesn't even matter." He stared at me.

"But the thing is Arden it does matter because i was planning on getting close with you and kaitlyn only because liam is going to probably date her so i have to at least be there when you get third wheeled." We laughed. Harry is seriously one of the cutest guys ever. Hes caring, loving, very very nice. I don't see why she doesn't trust him.

"Okay lets just get off the topic because its getting frustrated and i just don't like people seeing me like that."He giggled.

"okay so what do you wanna do." i looked at him. He licked his lips, slowly. Oh my god. he bit his lip and looked at me.

"I don't know that's up to you." he smirked.

" Well im kinda scared because your girlfriend always shows up at the wrong time." i said.

"she won't come, trust me, shes probably with that Starbucks dude." He tensed up. He bit the inside of his lip, i think in frustration. His eyes got dark. He looked at me, then my lips, back to my eyes. i noticed he grabbed the sheets. Hes holding something back. I'm nervous. He leans in, almost right against my face.

"Arden.." he whispered.

"Hmm?" i said, to scared to talk.

"My girlfriend, i-i think shes uh, cheating." My eyes widen.

"Harry why, i mean like i get why but is there any proof.?" i said.

He backed up. " Yea i cat-fished her once and she tried saying she knew it was me the whole time. So i tried the Starbucks dude to catfish her and now he wont leave her alone, i don't know if its his plan or he fell for her , what i am trying to say, help me catfish her." i stared at him blankly.

"how?" i asked.

"Hmm i don't know. I think i just need to break up with her. yanno?" he looked down at his lap.

" yea to be honest, you do, she gives you so much shit for no reason at all, you cant have any friends, and you cant do anything unless she shows up unexpectedly" i explained.

He nodded. He started to call Jamie.

"Hey babe" he put it on speaker phone and looked at me the whole time.

"Jamie, we have to talk, i think its time for us to break up, i mean i cant do anything unless you come out of nowhere and think you can just hang out, i cant be friends with girls but your aloud to have that Starbucks friend, which is not fair, Jamie. I cant be controlled by you anymore, i really tried of being tied down and critized for cheating when i dont even know what you tell me half the time." He breathed.

She started to cry." its because you like Arden, right, i mean i wouldnt blame you shes gorgeous." she sobbed.

"No, i mean, yea shes beyond pretty but thats not the reason why, Im tired of all the drama between my friends and I when it comes to you, i don't even have them hanging out with me anymore because of you, you're always mean to them and i am not going to have my friends treated like shit by someone i have known for a year." he explained. "i am really sorry if i hurt your feelings, its just, Jamie, I cant take the stress anymore...Its so tiring." She ended the call. Harry laid down huffing. a tear rolled down his cheek. I laid next to him. giving him a long hug.

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