
408 16 14

(Y/n): Your name

(N/n): Nick name

(e/c): eye colour


"Mom!" I all but burst through the door of the ER, "I got in! I got in! I'M GOING TO OURAN!" My mother choked back a sob as she ran to hug me.

"I knew you could do it!" She held me at arms length and wiped a happy tear from her eye, as if to see me clearer. Her gaze was that of a proud mother, with a smile that stretched along her face and lit up every corner of it. She looked happier than she had been in a very long time.

It had been my dream to go to Ouran Academy since I was a little girl, my mom had gone there on a music scholarship, she had this incredible voice, she still does, and she could play practically any instrument you put in front of her. She was truly gifted. The school begged her to come after a group of students had seen her perform at a café and brought in a few members of staff to watch. For her, a commoner, this was huge! The school with the best music program in the area was offering her a place to advance and fulfill her dream. Her dream was to travel back to Europe, where our family was originally from, and play in all of music's great capitals: Vienna, Paris, London- she had high hopes. To some extent, she accomplished this; she did manage to play a few concerts abroad, but life cut her dream short and gave her a rude awakening: her father had cancer, and he wasn't going to make it. Sometimes that's all dreams are, she told me, dreams.

This is also where she met my father; it was love at first sight, she'd told me this story time and time again: he was a second year, and she was a first year; he was also the student who had called a member of staff at her gig and landed her the scholarship, although she didn't even know he existed until they met at school. When she came in on her first day, the teacher told her to sit next to him, and after that they became fast friends, there was an undeniable attraction between them. A month later he asked her out, and she of course said yes. At the end of that year though, my mother left for Europe to pursue her music, and it wasn't until she came back that she saw him again. He was a third year now and she was a second year, they got back together, but soon my mother's scholarship was stripped away, she was so overcome by grief because of her father's death she could no longer play properly and thus the school lost interest. My father couldn't take this though, he came from a wealthy family, and he payed for my mother's education with a private savings account he had, even after he left school.

They met again in college, my mother was studying medicine, and he was taking business and finance. Yet again they got back together, and while neither of them believed in marriage, they still had a child, (Y/n), me! His family being as traditional as they were, didn't approve of this, and sent him away and the two never saw each other again.

My mother still cried about him sometimes, but she was getting happier every day. She was a doctor at the Iwatobi hospital, one of their most promising cardiologists in fact, and she distracted herself with her long hours of work. She loved saving lives. She would stay in Iwatobi while I went to live alone near the school, she made a good amount of money, enough to send me spending money every week and to pay both our rents, but not enough to afford any luxuries like fancy tuna.

I was very different from my mother. While her talent had been music, mine varied more, so much in fact, I was going to Ouran on three different partial scholarship programs, all of which the school was extremely famous for; Academic, Swimming and Art, which combined to form a full scholarship; we wouldn't have to pay a penny for my education.


"PLEASE DON'T LEAVE US (N/N)-CHAN!" My friends Nagisa and Gou hugged my legs as I broke the news to the swim club. Comic streams of tears flowed down their faces. I was soon tackled in a bear hug by the rest of the boys in the swim club and the Samezuka Academy, Makoto, Rei, Momo, Niitori; even Rin and Sousuke joined in!

"I'm proud of you (Y/n)." Haru said. He was the only one who hadn't joined the group hug. Somehow his words were the most touching though. I got up and hugged him tightly, he was a bit surprised at first, but he soon hugged back.

"Thank you Haru-kun." I whispered, blinking back tears. I let go of the blue eyed boy and looked at the people who had become a part of my family. I was going to miss them so much. I looked up at them, my (e/c) eyes shiny and glazed over with unshed tears. "I'm leaving tomorrow guys. This is my last time seeing you until the summer."

"We know (N/n), but we'll be thinking of you, this isn't a goodbye, just a see you later." Makoto somehow always knew what to say to make one feel better, and because of that I broke into a smile. I said goodbye to each of the boys (and Gou), giving them all a hug.

"Stay beautiful." Said Rei as his glasses fogged up.


"Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone, kay Momo?" I made Momo promise.


"(N/N)-CHAAAAAAAAAN!" wailed Nagisa.


"Don't cry Niitori! You're gonna make me cry!" I chastised the silver-haired boy.




"I'm gonna miss ya shortie." Mumbled Sousuke, placing his chin on my head.


"Don't forget us." Whispered Rin, moved to tears.


I never imagined leaving would be this hard, but I guess I was wrong. I had everybody's phone number, and I planned to keep in touch, I wasn't about to let anyone forget about me!

I waved to my mother and my friends from the train as I left, goodbye Iwatobi, hello Tokyo!

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