Chapter 2

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"-and then he was just like, 'my name is Ootori, Kyoya Ootori' and I kinda just rolled my eyes and left. He's such a stuck up rich kid!" I ranted to my best friend, Rin, over the phone. "I mean, he wouldn't even let me sit at the window for one lesson! What's his deal? And then he's always writing in this little black notebook... If I didn't know any better I'd say he's Kira or something!" Rin laughed from the other end of the line.

"Maybe he is! If he's as horrible as you describe him to be, I wouldn't put it past him to write your name in the Death Note!" He said in a ridiculous spooky voice. Gosh I missed this kid. "Anyway, elusive Mr Ootori aside... How's the swim team there? Is it everything it's said to be?"

"Yes, definitely! They've got an Olympic pool, it's incredible! The training is quite intense, and the level is pretty high, it's a mixed team, so the girls are as good as the guys and vice versa-"

"Are your times still the best though?" I chuckled.

"Is that even a question? Of course they are! You guys didn't call me quicksilver for nothing!"

"I'm glad it's going well for you (N/n). We miss you so much though, I miss you so much..." He trailed off at the end. Nobody gave him credit for it, but Rin was such a softie!

"I miss you too." I looked at my watch, "Shit. Rin I need to go, I'm gonna be late to meet up with Ootori!" I started running towards Music Room #3. Apparently it was an abandoned classroom, a rather odd meeting place if you ask me...

"I wish you the best of luck young one." Rin mused in an old man voice. I had been much closer than expected to the room, so I was already at the door, "Text me when you're done, love ya babe!" I laughed as I opened the door.

"Love ya too, boo!" I hung up, we'd been friends for so long it was normal for us to say that sort of thing, it was an inside joke of sorts.

As I opened the door, a bright white light was filtering in, and a cloud of rose petals floated delicately in the air, the soft red color contrasting heavily with the stark white lighting that dazzled me. I'd like to say I took it gracefully, but in actual fact I started swatting at flowers and nearly choked various times. Frankly not my best moment.

"Welcome princess!" A group of six boys and a cross dressing girl (hey I don't judge) stood in the center of the room, posing dramatically. I just stood there, completely dumbstruck: what had I gotten myself into?

"I think I'm in the wrong room. This Ootori guy told me-" I caught sight of Kyoya standing at the edge of the group. "I guess I'm not in the wrong room..." I mumbled quietly to myself. "What is this place?" I questioned expectantly.

"This is the Ouran High School Host Club! Here is where the school's handsomest boys with too much time on their hands, entertain young ladies who also have way too much time on their hands. Just think of it as Ouran Academy's elegant playground for the super rich and beautiful." Tamaki held out his hand to me. Is he serious? "You are the new honour student are you not? Like our Haruhi, you are a hero for the poor! Long live the poor!"

"I'm (F/n) (L/n), yeah. And I'm not poor! But I came here last week, the teacher stuck me next to you. Why are you even asking this?" I looked at him incredulously, while I saw the corners of his mouth falter in his smile. "I've literally been sitting next to you in class for the past week!" I cried, outraged. "Do you have short term memory loss? Cause if you don't, this is just offensive!" Guess what he did next? You got it. He went to the emo corner. "Is he alright? He did the same thing the day I arrived." I stated, not really caring about the situation. I didn't think I'd ever get used to Tamaki's behaviour.

"Yeah the boss does that often." An orange haired boy stepped forward, and then his mirror image followed. They must have seen the confusion on my face.

"We're the Hitachiin twins." The other one clarified. His voice was sweeter than the other's, more gentle.

"I'm Hikaru, and he's Kaoru." The one with the more mischievous voice said, "The tall one is Mori, the shortest one is Honey and the one with the brown hair is Haruhi. I'm guessing you already know Kyoya." His glasses flashed when his name was mentioned.

"Cool. Nice to meet you guys." I answered with little interest; I was here to work on my art project, not to waste time with this strange group of boys (regardless how attractive they might've been). I turned to Kyoya, completely ignoring the rest of them. "Why did you ask me to come here, anyway? I don't see how we're going to get any work done, especially since I'm assuming there will be hordes of females coming in soon. You cut my swim practice short too, I'd appreciate if you didn't make me waste any more time." Kyoya was about to answer me when my phone rang. I checked the caller ID and it was Sousuke, I had to answer; he'd been having trouble with his shoulder again and my mom had helped arrange a Physiotherapist for him, today was his first session. "I gotta take this," I apologized.

"Hi Shortie! I just finished my session!"

"Hey, can I call you back later? I'm in a room with six guys and a cross dresser..." I could almost see his face of confusion from the other end. "It's a long story, anyway I'll text you? You need to tell me about your session, and anything else I might've missed... Cough, Reigisa, cough." Sousuke barked with laughter.

"Bye (N/n). We'll talk later."

"Bye Sou." The boys looked at me in shock, "What? Do I have something on
my face?" I asked them, with the way they were staring you'd think I'd just grown a third eye or something.

"Why did you say there was a cross dresser in th-the room?" Stuttered Kaoru.

"Because there is..?" I deadpanned. "I'm not judging! She probably has her reasons! But to be honest, it's pretty obvious... She's got those girly eyes," I pointed at Haruhi's eyes, "and she has her nails painted pink." I said in a 'duh' tone. "Seriously, it doesn't take a genius to figure it out."




"I'm sorry to interrupt your little moment, but I have nail polish remover in my bag... I mean, if nobody's supposed to know, you should probably just remove it; no harm done then." I rummaged through my bag and pulled out a little bottle of the acetone based liquid. "Just put a bit of this on a cotton disk and the pink should come right out." I smiled cutely as I held out the plastic bottle to Haruhi who hesitantly took it.

"Th-thanks!" At that moment I was grabbed by the twins, one of which was holding a baseball bat.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2016 ⏰

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