A Flesh Wound:contiued

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"Hold your breath Rose!" he screamed.Then a Sith slid out of the shadows and swung his light saber in a smooth ark. There was a stump where his arm had been. Rose screamed. It's mearly a flesh wound" The Doctor said. The arm started to grow back. There was another Doctor on the ground."Where am I?" he asked "Calm down,me" Doctor1 said calmly "Remember". "What happened?!" Han screamed. He had just sprinted in. "He cut my arm off" Doctor1 said, nodding at the Sith "Then he grew out of my arm" he said. "How?" Han asked. "He has two hearts" Rose said. "I'm not alone!!!!!" Han shouted. "What?!" The Doctor,Rose, and the Sith all at once. "Ever since I was a child I was always different. I built many things: a screwdriver that made noises-" "Like this?" The Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver."Yes!" Han exclaimed "Just like that!" "When I was born I had two hearts instead of one,the doctors were baffled at first, but they just let it go." "I thought I felt something different with you!" The Doctor exclaimed. Everyone except Han lifted off the ground. "Did I mention I had the Force?" "No" everyone said. "Oh" Han spoke."So what am I?" "You're part Time Lord, and part Jedi." The Doctor and the Sith said together. The Doctor looked at the Sith and asked "How do you know about Time Lords?" he asked. "I was born on your planet" he said plainly,like it was no deal. "It's lost in a different dimension" The Doctor said. "Yes and no" the Sith said "Yes it's in another dimension, no it's not lost. I found it." "You?!?" The Doctor pratically screamed. "Who are you, anyways?" he asked. The Sith smiled. "You don't remember an old friend?" he said. "Let's give that Time Lord brain of yours a refresher, shall we?" He put his hand up to The Doctor's head. Imediatly images rushed into his mind. Him and the Master running down a hill together. Them laying on the red grass of home. He started to cry. "I remember" he said, sniffing.

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