Chapter 5: Goodbye

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Han had a terrible headache. "Owwwww" he said. "My head hurts" "Mine, too" Rose said. They walked to the cockpit, hand in hand. "Hey, guys, you have any idea why our heads hurt so bad?" Han asked. "The Tardis is all repaired" the Doctor said." Now, the reason your heads hurt is because this is the longest time in the future we've ever stayed" he awnsered. He walked over to Han, put his index fingers in his temples, and concentrated hard. Memories flew by. The Doctor focused on the newer memories. He made a mental swipe and they were gone. Then, he walked over to Rose and did the same thing. He carried her to the Tardis and set her down. The Timelord pulled a lever, closing the door. He pulled a diferrent lever and he heard a whooshing sound. He had just deserted Han, the Master, and Chewy. "What happened?" Rose asked from the chair. "You were asleep for a while" he awnsered. "Oh" Rose said, perplexed. "Goodnight" she said.


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