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I couldn't do it. For the first time, I couldn't go through with the Loosening. Her face, smiling, as her body floated... She smiled, even when confronted with a hideous Grim reaper like me.

I couldn't. I wouldn't. So I left her there on the shore. Later that same week, I had finished work early and was wandering aimlessly, looking for something to pass the time.

I couldn't help it. I ended up picking some flowers from the gate to heaven and went to see her. As I walked into the hospital room, I saw the picture. She had fallen asleep clutching it to her chest.

Tears came to my eyes.

She had written "Grim" in the corner. I've never had a name before. This one suits me.

I suppose I'll watch her from now on, just to make sure she's safe. A girl like her shouldn't ever be harmed.

Grim and I (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now