Chapter 4

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Mt Justice

Barts POV

The minute 'Gade fell I dived for him and caught him. The entire room had gone silent I think Robin felt like murdering me, but soon he started to stir.

"Bro, you ok?" I ask.

He got up silently rubbing his head, he looked a us and smiled. No! The charm...It was supposed to work! Maybe it did...wait he smiled and Renegade never smiles. Unless he wasn't 'Gade...No! He had to be...he knew my name, heck he knew my secret id! But what if 'Gade did get back his memories and when he did he met Nightwing and described me and all that...but then Nightwing would tell me! Being a speedster all these thoughts streamed through my head in a matter of seconds.

"You remember anything?" I ask tears beginning to cloud my eyes. Renegade was the only family I had. I remember him and what he told me two months after the resistance...


"'Gade! 'Gade! 'Gade!"

"Ughhhh, who gave you sugar this time???"

"No one!!!" I smiled a wide as possible.

'Gade rolled his eyes and muttered some words I remember Haley told me never to use.

"You're in troubleeeeeee!" I scream.

"Kill me!Kill me now!" He mutters looking at the sky. Those words were triggers as remembered my parents crying and yelling at me to leave before the Court of Injustice arrived. I look at the floor as tears flowed down my face as fell to my knees.

'Gade looked at me when he noticed the tears he bent down to my level, "Hey Bart...I know that...I may be the last person you want to hear this from but...your parents would be extremely proud of all you have accomplished...and I'm sorry for what happened." He finished.

"You know for the most anti-social person I know that was a pretty good pep-talk" I state, tears still running down my face. That was when 'Gade did something which according to Carly.

He had never done his whole life he reached out a pulled me to his chest, resting his chin on my head he stated "Kid, I know from 1st hand experience how cruel this word can be but I promise you Bart you will never be alone again. I promise that I will never leave you. Kid, whether you like it or not you're part of our messed up family and we'll be by your side even at death."

"I feel like the's trying to pull me down...I can't do this anymore 'Gade." I state thinking back to my parents' murder.

"My mother once told me a statement that my fathers fathers father had said, which was passed down..."

"So basically your grandfather?" I smirk.

"Yeah smart-mouth my grandfather. Now why do we fall down?" He asked.

"Because of gravity."

"Seriously, Bart."

"Because the world has a grudge against us???" I ask completely confused at where this conversation was heading.

"No, so we can pick ourselves back up." 'Gade stated.


"Do you remember anything?" I asked full of hope.

He looked at me as he opened his mouth to respond "Bart, I...."


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