Chapter 6- Victor's POV

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A/N- Does anyone ever read these things? lol....anyway here's another part, I haven't even begun to think about the next chapter, so I have literally no idea when that's going to be out..shouldn't be longer than Thursday night though! How are y'all enjoying the story so far? I've never done anything like this, so please let me know what you love/like/hate, I'm always open to some feedback! We finally are starting to get to the problem in this chapter, but it's mot everything, and more will be coming. Please vote, share,comment and like! Have a good evening y'all!

Finally, Dr. Green out and said the words we'd been waiting to hear all day. "Pookie's awake!" He said. All at once, the eight of us stood up and began to pound Doc with questions. "What? Is she okay?" Gabe asked. "When can we see Baby?" North asked. "What was wrong with Peanut? Why'd she pass out?" Nathan asked. The rest of us all asked similar questions. "Guys, hold on a second. Let's go to my office where we can discuss things more privately. No one is to say a word until then." Dr. Green said. We all followed, without a word, the entire way. I was so relieved that my Princess was awake, but I wanted to know what make her pass out and get so sick. Eventually we arrived at Sean's office and piled in, all desperate to know what was wrong with Sang. Finally, Gabe spoke up after sever moments of silence, "Well, Doc, are you going to tell us what's wrong with Trouble or are we going to have to use our special mind reading powers?" There were rounds of snickers all around, but Sean was clearly not amused. He actually looked angry, a look I'd rarely ever seen on him. "I understand from what Owen told me earlier today, that this wasn't the first morning that Sang has gotten sick. It's not even the second or the third, it's the fourth morning in a row that she's thrown up. I can't seem to understand, but you all are free to enlighten me, why I wasn't notified of this until you all were on the way to MY HOSPITAL with a freaking unconscious Sang. I'm a doctor for goodness sakes, why didn't anyone feel the need to mention to me, Pookies DOCTOR, that she wasn't well?" Dr. Green asked. "Peanut said it was nothing. She told us that she always felt better after she got sick, so I, along with everyone else, just thought it was something she'd eaten or something. I honestly didn't think anything of it. She begged us not to make a big deal of it or tell you." Nathan said. "Yeah, it's clear that you all didn't think that Sang's health was a BIG DEAL." Sean yelled. Everyone was silent for a good minute after his outburst, it was beyond rare to see Sean this angry. He was always so playful and joking so to see him like this was concerning. "Dr. Green, can you please just tell us what's wrong with Sang? I understand that we made the wrong choices, but there's really nothing to do now about it, except to lean from our mistakes, which we all will do. But I know I can speak for everyone, when I say that your killing us all here." I said. "Well it seems you all do deserve a punishment for your laziness and complacency with Sang and her health. I know I'm not normally the one to do this, but when things calm down a bit, we're all going to have to do 2 hours. Anyway, when you all brought Pookie in today, she was severely dehydrated and had a dangerously low blood sugar. I had an IV bag set up with the proper fluids, and within minutes of that in place, she looked better. I also had emergency glucose administered to her to try and bring up her blood sugar and again within minutes, she looked like the normal Pookie. She woke up after a good 30 minutes of arriving here. I'm having a battery of tests done, looking for anything that could be concerning, even the slightest of things. I want to warn you all to be ready for anything, anything at all." Dr. Green said. "Can we go and see her now?" Luke asked. "I suppose that's enough for now, let's go." Sean said. With that, we left Sean's office, and went to go see the love of our lives.

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