You Old Geezer

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Rin p.o.v

I sat up rubbing my eyes still wanting to go back to sleep. What happened? Oh yeah! I fell asleep in Lady Rangiku's arm's! I remember I accidentally called her mommy. She reminds me of her a lot. I glanced up to see I'm in Lord Sesshomaru's arm. Hmm? How did I get here? I looked around, but I couldn't find Lady Rangiku.

"Lord Sesshomaru, where is Lady Rangiku?", I asked playing with the fur that was ticking my chin.

"So you are up. She and Nel left last night. She bids you farewell", he stated calmly ignoring me, but he did put me down.

"Rin! How dare you pretend to sleep in Lord Sesshomaru's arm! He's been carrying you all night! And you ask where's that wench!?", Master Jaken scolded. Before I could answer him, Lord Sesshomaru hit him on top of the head four times. I went up to the bumps and poked at them, counting.

"Watch your words Jaken. Next time you insult a respectable Lady", he looked over his shoulder,"I'll kill you."

"Master Jaken, why are you shaking? Are you cold?",I asked looking at Master Jaken was shaking violently.

"Why do you ask Rin?", Lord Sesshomaru asked glancing at me. I looked down kicking a rock and some dirt, but I accidentally hit Master Jaken. Oops.

"Well?", he said raising an eyebrow.

"I accidentally called her something while I was asleep. I wanted to apologize to her", I said guilty.

"What did you call her?", Lord Sesshomaru asked he now stopped walking and looked at me fully.

"Well...", I dug my toe into the dirt, "I accidentally called her mommy."

"YOU CALLED HER 'MOMMY'?!? A HUMAN CALLED A DEMON 'MOMMY'??! UNBELIEVABLE. YOU HAVE TARNISHED LORD SESSHOMARU'S REPUTATION! YOU FOUL AND STUPID CHILD!", Jaken squeaked loudly at me. I looked at Lord Sesshomaru about to apologize.... But when I do, what I see made me smile and Jaken had stopped to and looked shocked out of his toad mind.

Lord Sesshomaru, the Great Dog Demons Son, the most feared demon in the West.....

Was laughing....

Rangiku p.o.v

It's so far! I'm halfway up the mountain, and I'm almost to the point of collapsing. Nel offered to carry me, but I'm still a dog demon and I still need my pride. Geez, I'm so out of shape!

"Hire muck further Mel?",I asked out of breath. Nel looked at me for a second then suddenly started crying.

"What!?!",I yelled annoyed and tired.

"Lady Rangiku lost her ability to communicate! It's all Nel's fault!!", she cried hugging me. My eyebrow twitched in either irritation or just pure annoyance,I didn't know which one.

"I ASKED 'HOW. MUCH. FURTHER' ", I said flopping to the ground, unable to stand up any longer.

"Oh! We still have 1 more hour or so. Lady Rangiku are you alright?! Oh no! What had Nel done?!", Nel started balling again. I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed her mask bone and yanked it in front of me, holding up my fist twitching.

"Make one more annoying sound or even a noise! I will NOT HESITATE TO LEAVE YOU BEHIND!", I threaten.

"Um...malady....?", Nel asked confused

"What is it Nel?", I asked worn out.

"How are you going to leave me behind? I'm the one who's in front of you."


I got up and stomped in front of her, huffing as I went. Finally, around noon we arrived to the top of the volcano. But what I saw angered me head to toe. The on the side of the cave, was a sign.

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