I feel so close to you

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"Lads, my younger sister is gonna be staying with us, for a while if thats alright." Liam asked hesitantly, he was looking at all of our faces, but mine was just the same as everyone elses, shocked and damn straight confused. "Liam, so mate WHY THE HELL DID YOU NOT TELL US YOU HAD A YOUNGER SISTER, LAD?!" Niall shouted, woah he never shouts but all in respects him and Liam are really close! But anyways there was a really uncomfortable silence... till I decoded to clear my throat, and speak up. " AHEM. Liam whats your sisters name? And how old is she ? And mate why didn't you tell us earlier?" I asked quietly and with a little annoyance in my voice. Liam seemed a little relaxed since I was calm, but I could tell thay he was hurt, since Niall yelled at him.

"Well Louis mate, her name is Hannah, and she is 17 years old. But the reasob why I didn't ever say anything is because ME and MY parents didn't want her to have paparzzi following her, and its just to much for a seventeen girl to handle! We used to be REALLY close, and talk to each other about anything, but I guess since I was on X-Factor and started the tour with you guys, i haven't been there for her that much. And my mum just called and said that Hannah, has been getting bullied for a while now, and she has been CUTTING HERSELF!" Liam shouted , before he started sobbing hard. Harry and Zayn looked really shocked and sad, because if you didn't know this it takes ABUNCH to make Liam sob. "L-Li i'm sorry for yelling at you I didn't mean too, I'm so sorry, and I speak on the behalf of all the guys when I say this, YOUR sister can come live with us and come on tour with us?" Niall said while tears were running down his face, god him and Liam look like sad puppies.

Liam eventually stopped cryong, and then he smiled really wide, and gave Niall a bro-hug. And grabbed his blackberry and dialed a number and went to his room.

"Well that was just um, wow! I can't believe he has a three sisters... Nicola, and Ruth wow......and now Hannah, maybe she'll like us? Come on lads lets go to Liam, real quick and see when are we going to get Hannah." Haz spoke, calmly. I quietly said "Yeah." Followed by two more and then we all headed to Liam's room.

********Inside Liam's room**********

When we were in Liam's room, he had the biggest smile ever on his face, all the lads noticed which made them all smile including me.

"Hey LEEYUM! What are ya so happy about? " I chirped.

"Well my mum, just told me that I can go ahead and go get Hannah, fron Wolverhampton, she doesn't know that she is gonna be living with us! I can't wait to susprise her!" Liam said giddily.

"So lads, do you guys want to come with me ?" He asked nerously.

"Mate, of course, I want to come, I get to meet your sister!" My Irish boy said.

"Yeah I can always use a good trip to Wolverhampton." said Zayn.

"Lad yeah , I can't wait! Ooh and is your sister hot?" Harry asked cheekily. Which made Liam huff in annoyance. "Well I want to make MYSELF , CLEAR, NONE OF YOU GUYS will DATE MY BABY SISTER! Got that?" He replied sternly, well hey I don't blame him everybpdy is (single except for Zayn, him and Perrie Edwards have been going out for a while now, and I wamt to let you know I SHIP Zerrie! Muahh hahaaha.!)

"Yeah, mate whatever, I'm going to the car meet you lads in there." Harry replied with annoyance, but when he went outsode, he was quickly follwed behind Zayn, and Niall.

"Let's go Louis, I'll drive." Liam said quietly.

****Painful, tension in the car, and arrives in Wolverhampton, at Liam's family house.*****************

Liam stopped the car and calmly got out, and when he did that we all did.As we were walking up to his door Liam stopped all of us and said, "Look lads i'm sorry for being an arse, but shes my little sister." He said to us but looking at Haz. Everybody nodded there head and waved the conversation off, except  

I feel so close to you.Where stories live. Discover now