Chapter 1; "Tell Me Why."

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I am aware of how long it's been since Danny and Jayy broke up. This is set back when they were together. Sorry if I put in songs that weren't around when they were together. It's not intentional.

<_***End Of A/N***_>

I sighed, grabbed my keys, and went to leave.

"Mom, I'm going to the park. I wanna go swing."

"Alright, but do you really need to drive there?"

"Yeah, I'm going to the other park. The one near here doesn't have swings, remember?"

She laughed. Ronnie smiled. "This girl and swings, I swear. Have fun."

"I will, love ya."

"Love you too," Ronnie said.

"Love you too honey," Mom returned to me.

I went to the park and finally let go, allowing myself to cry as I swung with my eyes closed, listening to Believe in Me and then You Are The Heart by Blood on The Dance Floor and singing.

"What's wrong?" Someone asked.

"Hmm? Nothing..." I mumbled, turning away and wiping my eyes off.

"It really doesn't look like nothing. But I can't really tell until you look at me ya know."

"No, I'm fine."

"If you were, I think you'd be looking this way and, if your song choice is any indication, getting pretty excited."

"Hmm? What're you-Nevermind...Just please leave me be..."

"I can't do that babe. If I do, Dahvie'll never stop worrying about you and wondering if he could've helped you or at least made you smile."

"D-Did you say...Dahvie?"

"'Yes.' Catchin' on?"


He laughed. "Now you're gettin' it. Keep goin', you're on a roll."

"J-Jayy Von Monroe, right?"

"Jayy'll do just fine, but yeah. Now will you 'please' look at me?"

I turned slowly to look at him and saw that he wasn't kidding. In front of me was Jayy Von Monroe and, on a swing across the park, I saw Dahvie Vanity.

"Atta girl," he teased. "Now what's got you so hurt?"

"It's nothing."

"It's 'not' nothing. You're crying and trying to get away from something."

"Try the world." I sighed.

"Just tell me why. 'Please'."

"I-" I finally gave up. "I can't."

"Why not?"

"I just can't." 'After all, I just stopped crying.'

"Well, if it's bothering you 'this' much, then I think you outta tell 'someone', if not me."

I looked away as the tears began to slip out again. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize for crying and being upset. Did I do something?"

"No Jayy, it's nothing you did or said, I promise."

"Do you need a place to stay? You could come on tour with us, if only to get away from the problem, whatever it is?"

"I-I...I couldn't ask you to do that Jayy."

"You didn't ask. I did. Now c'mon, talk to me. You'll be safe with us, I promise."

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