Chapter 1: Just An Average Day In The Life Of Skylar Peyton

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Read This First: I don't now if this is common sense or something, so I'm just going to say them.

1. Some of the cast is older than the charters so just imagine them at the age I put (Google Them).  if you don't like the actors I've chosen pick your own.

2.This is story has fantasy story with creatures, mates etc. if you don't like it don't read it.

3. Don't be rude if you don't like this story  or are going to complain about my spelling and grammar mistakes, please go read another one there are over 100 to chose from.  

4. During the story : Thoughts, Talking/Actions, When I'm Pissed or Being Loud (Don't get them confused)

Ps. All of my writing is revised and edited so I don't look like a fool by my friend Blazin0Blue. So Thank you. 

Pss. Skylar (Main character) is based on me. Although I don't have red hair I do have  heterochromia eyes. Look it up.

Ok without further or do you may read.   :)

"Open the door, Skylar!" my grandmother shouts." You'll be late for school."

I groan and pull the covers over my head. "No I want homeschooled." I shout back.

She kicks the door open, breaking the lock. She yanks my comforter off me and dumps a bucket of cold water.

"Bitch!" I scream as I run from her into the bathroom and lock the door.

"Great, your awake, now get dress" she sings and walking down the stairs.

I sigh.

Hi my names Skylar, I'm thirteen years old. I have red hair and have heterochromia eyes, meaning I have two different colored eyes. In my case their blue and green. I think their ugly but everyone else thinks their beautiful, whatever. I live with my mother; Willow, aunt; Natalie, uncle; Jerry, my half-brothers; James/Jamie and Rider, my cousin; Elliot, and my grandmother; Edith.

We live in a four bedroom apartment in East Harlem. That woman yelling at me? She's my grandmother. While some grandmothers bake you cookies, my grandmother would rather bake you... in the oven... on high... Seriously, she has some major anger issues. (Maybe she's bipolar?)

"Skylar get your ass down here!" my grandmother called up the stairs.

Lovely isn't she.

"Coming" I said finishing putting my clothes on. I grab my glasses and head down stairs.

I go down the stairs skipping every other step. I sit on the counter. "Get off the damn counter top Sky!" my mother says as she walking to the fridge to get her morning beer. "Fine" I say jumping down. My mother is a drinker. She wakes up, drinks a beer or two, goes to work for an hour and comes home, falls back to sleep just to wake up to drink Whiskey or Vodka, then passes out till morning.

"Here take this" My aunt Nat hands me mickey d's. "Thanks" I say. I sit down next to my uncle who is passed out next to me on the couch. "Where are your brothers?" My mom said taking a sip of her breakfast. "I don't know, they probably hang out with their friend before skipping school?"

Their "Friends" are their gang, The Electric Rebels. They are the worst gang in the world by the way. The worst thing they ever did was steal a stop sign, and they even put back a day later. Not that i'm complaining i'm happy they aren't in jail for murder, but they should not call themselves a gang if their as threatening as a bunny rabbit.

Two Worlds,One Me Book 1: The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now