chapter 1

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"Mommy!" I hear my six year old yell loudly from down the hall.

"Yes sweetie?" I ask walking into her room.

"I need help" she signs and shows me her feet.

I look down to find her shoes laces untied on one shoe and the other with impossible looking knots.

I giggle softly and move to help her.

"Silly you have them all knotted up" I sign and tickle her. Hearing her giggle brings joy to my world.

After getting the shoes tied and showing her how to tie her shoes again, we begin to head out the door

"No kisses for me today?" I hear my roommate and best friend, Rowan, ask while signing to the young one beside me.

Rylee giggles and runs to her, jumping into her arms while Rowan plants kisses all over her tiny face.

"Bye bye rowboat" Rylee signs, after being placed back on the ground.

"Bye Rye I'll see you after school okay?" She replies with a smile.

The small blonde nods with excitement and runs off to the front door.

"Thanks again Rowan I really appreciate you babysitting her. I know when you moved in, you weren't expecting to be a-"

"No worries Sabrina. I love the little munchkin, I'm more than happy to be looking after her while you work" she smiles genuinely.

I give her a thankful smile in return and hug her before grabbing Rylee and heading out the door.

After buckling her in, we hit the road.
Rylee is six and she goes to a special school for deaf children. She wasn't born that way, but when she was four I was noticing certain things. Like how loudly she spoke and how she didn't always hear when someone called for her. I didn't think anything of it at first but then it got concerning.

I took her to the doctor and they asked if hearing loss ran in my family, I knew it didn't so we assumed it might on her dad's side.

They said that she most likely was going to lose her hearing and if not now then it was going to be soon.

She was already incredibly smart and learned quickly so I started taking her to classes to learn how to sign. Also therapy so she could begin to learn how to live with it and cope. 

She caught on quickly and she knew that she was gonna lose her hearing. Before she did though we watched as all her favorite movies and listened to all her favorite songs.

I had gotten her a hearing aid but that eventually wasn't enough either.

The saddest part was watching it fade from her. It was hard to watch. As it progressed we would turn up whatever she was watching or listening to as loud as it had to be for her to hear it.

I got noise complaints but I didn't care, I just wanted to make my little girl happy.

Then one day the her favorite movie was on and it was up pretty much as loud as it could go. I walked into the living room to tell her it was time for dinner and when I came face to face with her I saw her staring at the TV with tears streaming down her face.

I remember her looking at me worried as she turned it up louder and louder.

"Woah woah woah baby turn that down" I take the remote and turn the TV off.

"I can't hear it anymore mommy" she broke into a sob "I can't hear you anymore"

I pulled her onto my lap and held her tight. I assured her it was going to be okay, even though I knew she couldn't hear me.

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