Part Six: Love is strange, but you were always what i needed.

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(Note: This is the last chapter! So if you feel uncomfortable or awkward in a way, please tell me lol. Enjoy, though (^.^)!!)
As I saw Leyla run before I could get to her, my heart broke. My hair covered my face and I ran as well. I heard the others calling me, but I didn't stop. "What did I do...? WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!!? I MADE HER CRY!! I WANTED HER TO DIE!! "The one person that makes me happy with her sweet laugh and her wonderful eyes. Sure I care about everyone else but Leyla was different. She....always put up with me and my problems, even if they were stupid. She was like a sister but soon.....that changed. As I feel my eyes get watery as well. I wish I could take it back but I can't! I said she was crap, that she was annoying and an accident!! I KNOW MYSELF THAT'S A LIE!! I WOULD NEVER SAY SOMETHING TO HER LIKE THAT!! I KNOW IT BECAUSE...... BECAUSE.... I couldn't say what I wanted to. I felt what I felt but deep down I didn't have the courage to express it. I really am pathetic.

I kept running until I was out of breathe. My eyes were so full of tears I could have sworn they were red!! But I couldn't stop. I was hurt. Really hurt! I'm never phased by stuff like that but....this was different. Yato was always like a big brother, a family I....never had. "He said that to me. But he is right. I never did anything for anyone." I'm ugly too, with this stupid hair of mine and ugly eyes!! I fell to the ground now clutching my knees like a five year old. "I JUST WANT TO MAKE PEOPLE HAPPY AND BE LOVED!!" I NEVER WANTED TO MAKE ANYONE HATE ME!! I KNOW I'M USELESS BUT I TRY TO DO WHAT I CAN!!" BUT WHY!!?? "WHY DID HE HAVE TO SAY......I hope you die!?" I put my heads to me knees when suddenly I hear something. "Yo Leyla" "Huh?" I say confused, only to hear this in response "KARMA!! HI-YA!!" I got hit in the head so hard that I fall to the ground. ""Owww, what the-*..... wait a minute? MARIE!? I say in a shocked voice as I see a young girl with light dark skin and her hair in a small bun. She also were jeans and a blue hoodie with sneakers."Hi" she said playfully. I looked at her for a minute then I made an annoyed face and punched her like five times. "Ahhh, owwww!" She said as she fell to the ground. Honestly, she acted like a bullet went through her stomach. "Marie what are you doing here!?" "Also.......WHY DID YOU HIT ME!?" "I did it cause, I wanted to" she said as if she didn't care. "MARIE I SWEAR DON'T MAKE ME HIT YOU AGAIN!!" I say angrily. She puts her hands up in defense. "Ok ok!" "So um why were you crying?" She asked. "Oh umm...I had something in my eye." "Liarrrr!" "SHUT UP YOU-*....actually, your right. I uhhh, er- got into a fight....with someone close to me. We were friends, but I......don't think that's true anymore. As I sigh and put my head down. "He....said some really hurtful things to me. BUT IT'S NOT LIKE I CARE WHAT THAT IDIOT THINKS!! Even though I tried my hardest, I couldn't help but cry again. Marie came over and hugged me. "He's a poop head!" I laughed a bit. "But don't cry, Leyla, your a great person. But maybe.....he said those things to you because he didn't know how to express his anger. Maybe it hurts you a lot because.....*she stops and smiles a bit* because you like him. Hearing something hurtful from someone is never easy but you'll work it out. She said as she got up. "He might like you too, haha!" I blushed and yelled at her. "MARIE WHY WOULD YOU-*..... (No one was there.) She just left. "Uhhh, Marie??" "WOW! She left me!" I was upset, but I kept what she said in my mind. "He might like you too". That's.... not possible. Why does everyone think I like him. Especially after what he said to me!! But than again.....Yato is sort of sweet. He's silly too. Not to mention his eyes! MAN HIS EYES ARE NICE!!......WAIT WHAT!?!!. WHAT AM I THINKING, I DON'T ACTUALLY THINK HE LIKES ME!! Do I?? I look down, blushing a bit. "It's like everyone, is saying that but it's doesn't... Matter". Suddenly I hear a noise and something comes from behind, wrapping an arm around my waist. I tried screaming but they covered my mouth too. "Better stay quite, if you know what's good for you sweetheart!" He whispered in my ear. But the tone of his voice, he sounded no older than me. Like a teen. I tried to get away but his grip tightened and I knew.....what he had planned. I could feel him smirk. "Your kinda pretty. Shame, no one is here with a girl like you but oh well.... Let's have some fun". But before he could go any further with his plan, I hear someone running towards us. "GET YOUR DIRTY HANDS OFF HER PERVERT!!!" Someone yells. The guy holding me got punched to the ground and the other person grabbed him by the collar. It was Yato....he protected me. "What the heck is your problem!?" "LET ME GO!!!" The guy yells. But if I learned anything, Yato doesn't just let people do what they want when his friends are hurt. I can his eyes turn into slits. His eyes looked like an angered cat, which in his case.....isn't good. "Listen to me punk if you ever go near her or anyone else again it will be the last thing you do. NO ONE MESSES WITH PEOPLE I CARE ABOUT, OR I WILL MAKE THEM REGRET THE DAY THEY WERE BORN, UNDERSTAND!?!" He yelled angrily. "Yeah" the guy said as Yato let him go and he ran. I stood there for a moment and than I ran myself. I stopped at a forest filled with cherry blossom trees. It was next to a river that sparkled as the moon's light shone on it. "I don't get it. Why would he protect me. After everything he said.....DOES HE THINK HE CAN JUST DO WHATEVER HE WANTS TO OTHER PEOPLE'S FEELINGS!?!" "That's not true. I couldn't just let that guy do what he wanted to do with you. Of course I would help you". I hear I voice say. I turn around to see Yato a few feet away. "I know.....I shouldn't have done it. I wish I could have never said that stuff to you Leyla. It's just, I got so upset at what you me." He looks down. "I never liked being called pathetic cause I didn't have a shrine. I usually don't care but didn't deserve that!" He starts to cry now, turning his hands into fists. "I JUST WANTED YOU TO FEEL THE HURT I HAD BUT I REGRET EVERYTHING!! YOUR THE ONE PERSON I WOULD NEVER WANT OUT OF MY LIFE. YOU MAKE ME SMILE AND LAUGH AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN. SURE I HAVE OTHER FRIENDS BUT YOUR SPECIAL TO ME!! PLEASE FORGIVE FOR WHAT I SAID LEYLA!! I DON'T WANT YOU TO DISAPPEAR! I DON'T WANT YOU TO DIE CAUSE YOUR MY FRIEND!! I WANT TO STAY WITH YOU FOREVER BECAUSE...... BECAUSE....*he keeps crying but he can't say what he wants to*. I stand there but tears are falling down my eyes to. "Yato....I'm sorry too. What I said wasn't fair either. But your right I am annoying. I make mistakes and act stupid..... just another disappointment in the world. A burden to everyone. *sniff* But...I try to do my best and I try to what I can to make people happy. You...were also special to me Yato. A big brother I could never have. But after a while the feelings I had for you changed. I didn't get it at first and I still don't. BUT PLEASE, LET ME BE YOUR FRIEND AGAIN CAUSE I CAN'T DIE, AT LEAST NOT YET EVEN IF I AM AN ACCIDENT!! I'm crying my eyes out as I ran to him and hugged him tightly. "I DON'T EVER WANT TO FORGET YOU YATO!! YOUR IMPORTANT TO ME AND YOU GIVE ME JOY. JUST KNOWING YOU EXIST MAKES ME HAPPY. I DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU EVER BECAUSE YATO I....I.L-.. Suddenly I feel his arms wrap around me. He wipes my tears away and smiles. "That's the nicest thing anyone ever said to me. You know when I met you I thought you would be so bossy and a brat. But....I see now I was wrong. When I saw you in your kimono I was star strucked. I never seen you look so beautiful. My heart just kept racing faster and faster. Whenever I hear your life I just!" "Which is why I finally understand now". He brings me closer to him and I feel his hand clutching my hair close to my ear. I don't know why but whatever he was doing I hope it didn't stop. "I finally get what this feeling is. I.....*he blushes, while looking into my eyes* love you Leyla... I always have". With that his kisses me gently on the lips and I blush like crazy. Me and him together!?! Not possible!! But....I liked it. His lips felt warm against mine and my eyes flutter close. I never thought it would happen. That silly guy that acted like a kid was kissing me.My best friend became my equal. Yato,...was the one I loved....and that I'm absolutely sure about. We broke away and I saw the fireworks over head. We both smiled. Then Yato hugged me once more with my head resting on his chest. I noticed something. All the cherry blossoms.... were glowing. "So, the legend of the two lovers. Kofuku was right." I whisper to myself. That was all I said after that.

I wake up to find my self in my room. "Wow that's weird. I thought me and Yato.....*I start blushing and feeling out* WAIT WHAT!?! DID WE REALLY KISS!?! I hear a weird noise from Phone so I check it. {Beep}: From Marie:
How was the festival? Fun.
(Me to Marie) Yeah I had fun. Almost got raped though!!
(To Marie: OMG LOL MARIE CALM DOWN, I AM DYING OF LAUGHTER😂!! But I am ok. I think......ok don't say anything but I think.....someone kissed me!
(From Marie: WHAT!?! Hmmm I see you Leyla😎😏😏😍 YOU LOVE HIMMM!! WELL ANYWAY I GOT TO GO BYE!!
(To Marie: BYE!! AND SHUT UP!! I am embarrassed now lol.

"But, did I really kiss him? I don't know. Suddenly I smile. "Well even if it did happen,......I'm glad it did. Soon I fall back asleep, thinking about everything that happened. Indeed I was in love and.....I had my first kiss. A Starlight's Kiss.

OMG I AM SORRY THIS IS SO LONG BUT I GOT CARRIED AWAY AND MY FRIEND WANTED TO BE IN THE STORY LOL.I HOPE YOU LIKED IT EVEN IF THE ENDING IS CHEESY AND SORRY ABOUT THE ALMOST GETTING RAPED THING!! XD. But um.....I might need help. If you want to, write down in the comments if you want a special extra chapter that talks about the inside stuff in my story lol. Night guys and thanks for the reads💕😄😊

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