{Special Chapter}

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Ok guys, this is not official, it's just something my friend wanted me to write. It gives inside info on stuff that happened, so enjoy O(≧∇≦)O! Also sorry for the picture, it won't let me fix it!!

Yato's POV} I ran as fast as I could, until I felt someone tug at my arm, to stop me. I turned my head to find Kofuku looking at me with concern in her eyes. "Yatty please stop running". She says sadly. I look away from her and fell to the ground. "How can even continue when i have this guilt?"I said that to her. Why? WHY!?! I DIDN'T HAVE TO SAY WHAT I DID. I MADE HER CRY KOFUKU!! I'M AN IDIOT!!" As I yell into the open. "Everyone fights Yato, it's natural. We say things we don't mean to say". I'm sure Leyla is still your fri- I cut her off. "YOU STILL THINK WE'RE FRIENDS AFTER ALL THAT!? THE INSULTS AND HURTFUL WORDS! SHE HATES ME EVEN IF I WAS ANGRY AT HER FOR THAT MOMENT OF TIME, I CAN'T FIX IT!! SHE WILL NEVER FEEL THE SAME WAY"!! Kofuku looks at me with fear but it soon turns to a look of confidence. "IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT SHE THINKS! YOU STILL LOVE HER!! YOU SHOULD BE OUT THERE LOOKING FOR HER INSTEAD OF REGRETTING YOUR MISTAKES! YOU CAN STILL FIX THINGS, BUT ONLY YOU CAN MAKE THAT CHOICE!" She yells. I looked at her, with my eyes full of shock and my cheeks are bright red from "You love her" part. Finally I decided to get up and turned to Kofuku. "Your right...I'll go get her". She smiles at me. "Good". With those last word, I go to look for Leyla.

*A portal opens* Marie's POV:
I come through the portal, from the other dimension of Fairytail into the Noragami one. "This place....looks familiar". Suddenly I hear someone crying. I go to see who it is and find my friend Leyla crying. She's wearing a pink kimono with her hair loose. She looked really pretty to be honest. "I should go see what's wrong". I say to myself. Then an idea comes to mind and I smirk a bit. "But first a little fun!!" I walk over to her. "Yo Leyla" I say. She looks around confused when suddenly I make a devilish smirk. "KARMA!! HI-YA"!! I yell as I hit her head really hard, making her fall. She gets mad and suddenly says my name. "MARIE!?!" I smile playfully "Hi". Pretty soon Leyla punches me five times and I act dramatic as if it really hurt. She asked me what I was doing here and why I hit her. Acting like I didn't care I bluntly said "I did it cause I wanted to". She suddenly yells at me again threatening to hit me once more. I held up my hands in defense, saying "OK OK!" "So um, why were you crying?" I asked her. She said she had something in her eye but I knew she was lying so I yelled at her.
She yelled back at me but stopped short and explained what happened. She said she was in a argument with her friend and kept talking to the point where she got so upset she yelled and started crying again. I went over to Leyla and hugged her. "He's a poop head!" I told her causing her to laugh a bit. I told that she was a great person and maybe her friend said that to her cause he didn't know how to express his anger. "Maybe it hurts you so much because.... I smiled for a minute. Actually it was more of a smirk . "Because you like him". "But don't worry, you'll work it out!" I started getting up cause I had to leave. I smile back at her, and say "Haha he might like you back!" With that I run from her to leave. I hear her yell my name but I had to go now. As I open the portal I say out loud so that only I hear it "Don't worry Leyla, I'll be back. You'll be fine." I go inside the portal and leave.

{Time Skip}
Yato's POV } After, I saved Leyla from almost being "Raped" I chased after her into a forest of cherry blossom trees. The moon shined brightly on the river that was next to the forest. Made it look very sparkly. I saw Leyla standing near it. She seemed to be yelling at herself questioning herself as to why I would help her. That struck me hard. Did I hurt her so bad that.....she thought I wouldn't care what happens to her? I'd give my life if it meant protecting her. I suddenly start questioning her myself as to why she would say that. I start saying that I'm sorry to her. I didn't mean what I said! I just wanted her feel the hurt I felt. By this point I'm crying by the fact that I'm apologizing so much, but I don't care. I just wanted her to forgive me and I would be happy. I start yelling outloud showing my emotions all at once. I can't...I can't understand this weird feeling in my chest. "Yato....I'm sorry too". I hear her say. She continues to apologize to me, as I listen patiently. She's crying a bit as well but not so much. She says that she wasn't being fair. That she really was just an annoying stupid girl. Another burden to the world. She starts sniffling saying how she is a disappointment. I feel like someone shot a bullet at my head. 'Did I really say all that?' I thought to myself. Next thing I know she's saying something so sweet. Me and our orther friends gave her something special. A family.I'm like a big brother to her. But over time that changed. She said she doesn't know why either.

She runs to me grabbing my waist with a tight hug, as she tears up just yelling out all her feelings. She even said that she doesn't want to die. She wants me to be her friend again. 'You idiot... Of course I'll be your friend again'. I said to myself. Suddenly I felt something in my heart click. This feeling. This warmth that came over me every time I'm with her. The one thing that makes me blush all the time when hearing her enchanting voice. Why I find her so...different from other girls.

Is this..what they call Love? Yeah.. I think that's it. Love. I wipe her tears and give her a soft smile. She looked so beautiful in her Kimono too. Of course i told her that cause that complement had to come out sooner or later. My heart kept racing faster and faster. Finally I say this. "Whenever I hear your laugh.. I just smile. Which is why I understand now". I say softly. I bring her closer to me and place my hand on the side of her head clutching her hair. Inside my stomach just did a backflip and my mind just exploded like a bomb. Geez I'm a nut! But I know what I'm doing.I look deeply into her eyes and say "I finally get what this feeling is." I'm blushing now! Some one help me!

"I..Love you Leyla...I always have." 'Oh god I said it! What do I do!?! Uhhh..umm...oh for crying outloud just kiss her you wimp!' I thought as I gently kissed her soft lips. To my surprise it's rather nice. I certainly didn't want to stop. But soon we broke away as the fireworks started. I bring her back into my arms as I hug her. The cherry blossom trees start glowing. So the legend is true. Can't believe Kofoku was right for once. This was an awesome night. I found the others and I explained that we made up. But soon Leyla fell asleep so I carried her. We all walked towards her house so we could drop her off...but also get some food ;)

When we got back, I put Leyla in her bedroom upstairs. She's so cute ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ!! I stay outside her door while everyone else is downstairs with her mom talking. I hear her wake up and decided to wait in front of her door. Sounds like she is texting someone. I hear her laugh a few seconds later. Something must be funny. I crack open the door and see her asleep again. She looks so peaceful.

I walk in slowly and place my hand on her forehead, rubbing it slightly. I bent down and kissed her. "Sleep well you little chessnut". I whispered chuckling. This night was amazing. It means something great is starting. Now that's special. But I should go before she hears me! I run out the door and head downstairs so I could go home.

Leyla's POV~
I woke up with a groan and try to turn off the thing that was making such an irritating noise so early. I finally get up tiredly as I sat up in bed. I rub my eyes and slowly start to remember what happened. I start blushing widely as I recall just about everything. But something wasn't right. I get out of bed and head downstairs. My mom is in the kitchen making breakfast.

She greets me with a warm smile. "Morning." She says. I was about to say a response until something accured to me. "Uhh mom where's my Kimono?" She looked at me with confusion but then laughed slightly. "What on earth are you talking about?" "My Kimono. You know the one I wore yesterday for the festival."I said. This time she bursted into laughter, clutching her stomach. "F-festival? Leyla did you sleep ok, cause I can tell you there was no festival! Don't trick me now cause nothing special at all happened.Why would you ask?" I looked at her with wide eyes and a bit of my face was red. "Oh no..reason! Just teasing you that's all!" With that I ran back to my bedroom, not giving my mother a chance to answer my last remark.

I sat quietly on my bed thinking everything over. "So it was all a...dream? The kiss, the trees, the festival?" I asked myself over and over. I even checked my phone to see if the texts my friend sent me were real. Nope! Nothing about the festival at all was in my messages.

I just sat their shocked. "Wow that was one heck of a dream! I..I KISSEF YATO!! Thank goodness that was all fake!" I sigh in relief as I plop down on the bed. To think I confessed in liking Yato. Haha! Oh well it was interesting. But that was just TO real. It could never happen anyways. But over all...I liked it. I smile to myself. "The world works in mysterious ways...and that's just fine with me."

Woahhhhh!! I made the special chapter!! I know it's a bit weird but surprise!!! My whole story was never real!! It was all a dream😂(>y<)(>y<). A VERY LONG ONE!! But that's cause my friend gave me an idea! But you'll find out what it is soon enough. BYEEEE (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

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