mood :

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I haven't updated in a while... No seems interested in my book or whatever it is but its OK you know

I cant say things got better for me over the past 2 months people probably read my book so far  probably thinking I'm whining about everything everything I don't talk that much at home I don't complain I don't say anything unless I'm spoken to I just wish I had someone else's life sure I'm grateful for what I have I have clothes and I have food in my stomach and I have a bit of freedom but when I mean I wish I was someone else I Mean like a gorgeous girl who had money and can provide for her family and can buy things when she wants to that sounds selfish I know but everyone has their selfish thoughts sometimes I struggle sometimes really bad . and then I just feel like everyones lying to me I just want to make people laugh and be happy and feel loved and I want the same back simple I don't care about money or whatever people are greedy for nowadays and then I'm struggling with my grades life is going down hill fast for me and I don't know what to do 😟👀💆🙍

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