Chapter 2: What Did I Just Hear?

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There's a picture of Clarity!! >>>>>>

Doesn't she look cool?! Duhh. Ha. ;)


Chapter 2 : What Did I Just Hear?

Clarity's POV

I gave a serious face.

"Why are you here?"

"Why do you ask? I got forced to be in this class."

I scoffed.

"I haven't taken an art related class my other years. They leave me no choice but this class. What? You thought I wanted to take art?"

Mrs. Bowel shouted "Shhh class! No talking!"

She walked to the front of the room.

"Welcome to Art class."

Her smile is so annoying.

"Now that I got the assigned seats over with, let's start with the basics. Today, you will be beginning with simple pencil drawing. Draw whatever you want. There are no specific rules to this task. I just want to see what each one of you can do with a pencil and a white sheet. Use your own skills. Everyone has their talents. You all don't have the same abilities. I don't expect all of you to draw something that is out of your comfort zone for this assignment. Draw whatever moves you. The white sheets are on the back counter so just grab one and start drawing. I'll be at my desk if you have any questions."

Mrs. Bowel had long, curly red hair that hang over her shoulders. She wore circular glasses that looked too small to fit her big head.

As everyone was getting up to go to the back counter, I decided to get up. As I was grabbing the white sheet, I felt a pull on the other end of the sheet. What the? I looked up. Oh, it was Dimwit.

I broke the silence. "I grabbed it first. Hands off."

"No, I came before you."

"You gotta be kidding me."

"I don't kid."

I heard someone behind me unpleasantly yell "Hey! Come on! People are waiting too! Just grab one already!"

I snapped "Fine. You grab it."

Dimwit looked at me with sharp eyes. He grabbed the sheet and left.

What the hell is his problem? I grabbed a sheet and quickly walked back to my seat. I didn't pay any attention to him the whole hour. My focus was just figuring what to draw. I sighed. What should I really draw? It's been a long while since I picked up a pencil to draw. I haven't practiced much. I feel like my skills have faded. Oh well. Here goes nothing.

Finally, first day of school is over today. I opened my locker.

"Hey Clarity."

"Oh hey Joslyn."

"How are you getting home?"

"I walk."

"What? By yourself? Isn't that far and dangerous?"

"Joslyn, why do you always put 'dangerous' in front of everything?"

"Well I--"

"How bout you?"

"Bus." Her face slumped down.

I tapped her left shoulder. "It's ok, Joslyn. You'll get your car."

"Pft. Yeah right."

"Well, I don't have a car either. Both of my parents drive to work. I took the bus this morning, but I just feel like walking. Buses are too noisy."

"K whatever you say. See you tomorrow."

"Yepp. You too."

I hate buses. So crowded. Everyone yells over each other's voices. I was walking towards home.


Was that a gun shot? I froze and looked around. When I turned to my right, I saw Dimwit.


Whoa!! Didn't expect that, didja? ;P

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