Chapter 8: Familiar Voice

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Hello!! There's Jack on the right!!! >>>>>> 

Cute, huh? Haha. Yes. ;P

Words can't express how I feel about you guys right now. Thank you all so much for reading this story! I'm so wowed. This story got up to Action #242! =)


Chapter 8 : Familiar Voice

Joslyn's POV

I looked around. My cheeks were blushing red as I noticed all eyes were on me and that guy. I looked up to see him again. I finally answered. "No, it's ok." I stood up to wipe my shirt and shorts. I faced him. "I'm fine." I smiled. He smirked. I think my face is full cherry color by now.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Oh um, it's Joslyn."

"Hi, I'm Jack." He held out his hand for me to shake.

I reached out my hand and shook his hand weakly. "Nice to meet you, Jack." I smiled foolishly as I pulled my hand back.

"What happened?!" Coach Rhino came rushing in. Too late mister.

"Nothing big. We just accidentally bumped into each other as I was dribbling the basketball, and she was about to hit the volleyball." Jack replied.

"You guys have to be careful next time or no more playing, got it?!"

"Yes." Jack and I both answered at the same time and smiled, holding in a laugh, as we stared at each other.

"No laughing." Coach Rhino stumbled away.

I went back to playing volleyball as Jack walked away to continue playing basketball.

Clarity's POV

The image of Dimwit's father slapping him couldn't get out of my head. The look in his eyes... Ok, I know I have to stop calling him Dimwit. I looked to my left. The seat next to me was empty. I wonder where could he-- I tapped my forehead. What the heck am I doing? No worry. He must be fine...the image came up again. Ahhh! Get out of my head! His eyes are dark like night and sharp like daggers.

Art class ended as students were walking in the back to put their project away in the rack. I decided to be last to get up since I don't wanna wait in a crowd. I walked over to find to an empty spot in the rack. I slipped my drawing in and it got stuck with some other drawing. I pulled my sheet out and that other drawing overlapped mine. My breath was taken away as I saw one of the most beautiful sketches ever. A sketch of a bird that was flying to out of a window during nighttime. It looked like it was heading towards a huge, sparkly star that had other smaller stars surrounding it. It was more like a star tunnel can suck the bird in matter of seconds. Not only that but the window was no ordinary window. The window had wavy edges. The glass windows that look clear in real life was colored in this sketch. Rainbow colors. There were ivy green leaves swirling around the edges of the window doors. Whose drawing could this be? I turned the sheet around. Xavier Burnster? Must be someone really artistically creative. Oh well. I put that person's drawing and my drawing back in the rack. I quickly left to my next class.

Joslyn's POV

It was finally the end of the day as I wished it.


Hm? I turned to my left. "Oh, hi Jack."

"I'm sorry about the accident. I didn't watch where I was going and--"

"It's fine." I laughed. "I'm not hurt."

"Well, the thing was, as we bumped into each other, I kinda fell on top of you as you fell on the ground..."

"Really, Jack. I'm ok."

"You sure? Because it seem like you were more hurt than me."

I laughed again. "It's ok, Jack. I got into worse accidents than this."

"Really? Like what?"

"Um...well, this one time, I was in the middle of playing a basketball game. As I shooting for the rim, a player from the other team pushed me which left me knocking on the ground."

"What happened after that?"

"Well, she got banned from playing basketball."

"What about other sports?"

"Hm, I don't know. All I know is, she got what she deserved." I laughed.

"Did you get hurt?"

"Oh yeah. Hehe about that. I got a small scrape on my elbow."

"Really? Let me see."

I pointed my right elbow to him.

"Ow! How could you say it's small? That looked like it must have hurt pretty bad."

"Yeah, it did. But I'm use to it." I smiled.

"Are you saying you're use to getting hurt? Getting pain when least expected?"

"Well, I--"

*Ring! Ring! Ring!*

"Sorry, I have a call." Jack pulled his cellphone out of his left pocket. "Hello?... Yes. What?! Really?! Who is this?! Where are you?!" He sighed. "K, be right there." He looked worried.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Sorry Joslyn. I have to go somewhere. Catchcha later, k?"

"Oh, yeah. See you."

"Yepp. Bye." He ran between people and out of the school building.

Hm, I wonder what happened. Oh well. I shrugged as I continued to walk on to catch the bus.

Clarity's POV

Yes. I can go home and sleep. I was walking home as I was looking down and my body was moving left to right. Ahh. I hit my forehead. Gotta wake up. I sniffed. All of sudden, I saw a cellphone speedily sliding towards me as it hit my feet. Hm? I picked it up. It was a black iPhone 4. Whose phone is this? I wondered.


I shot my head up. Is someone screaming? I walked further as the noise got louder. As I turned the corner, I saw a group of boys beating and kicking a person's body laying on the ground. I gasped as my eyes widen. Who could that be?! I have no idea why, but I felt like I heard this voice before. More painful screams came from that person. As I looked closer, it was Dimwit's screaming voice.

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