What's Up With Her?

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*Levi's POV*
What's up with her? She ate like a miniature piece of pizza and wouldn't eat anymore, and then when I questioned her, she got all huffy and defensive? She's pretty skinny, so it's not like she would have to worry. Actually rephrase that, she's so skinny, she's like anorexic skinny, in her leggings, you could like see her bones, but she was muscly aswell as super dooper skinny!! It's probably just her natural body shape. I sit on her chair and watch Friends on her TV. I listen to the water in the shower and suddenly hear a big scream. What the hell?
"LEVIII I CANT GET UP!!!" She wails from the bathroom
"Oh my gosh, but you're naked?!??" I am stressing and pacing around the room
Ok, here goes nothing... I open the door and rush in. I try to avoid eye contact with her body, but I can't help looking.
"Please help me up" she moans
"Ok Lexee breath, everything will be ok, just sit there for a minute and I'll grab your bath robe" I go to he door and grab it
"Thankyou, sorry about this, I know it's kinda awkward" she is crying a lot now
"That's ok, here you go" I put the bathrobe around her and she puts her arms through the holes
"Thankyou" she cracks a smile
I get the two sides of the robe and tie a bow with the tie. Then I pick her up and carry her to her chair.
"Did you see anything?" She asks
"Yes, but it's ok, it's understandable, I had to help you and there was no other way" I say
I place her down on the chair and get the matching footrest and place her right ankle on it gently.
"Thankyou" she kisses me on the cheek, I blush
"You're welcome, do you need anything? I'll get you an ice pack? What about some water? Anything?" I rush through the list
"Oh Levi, an ice pack would be great and a glass of water too" she smiles at me and I wipe a tear off her cheek
I go into the freezer and get an ice pack, then I fill up a glass of water and head straight back to her room.
"Here you go" I hand her the water and rest the ice pack on her foot.
"Thanks, I'm going to call mum now" she grabs her iPhone 6s Plus Rose gold and calls her mum, she puts it on loudspeaker:
"Hi mum, I think I've broken my ankle"
"Oh gosh, honey! What did you do?"
"I was taking a shower and slipped over as I was getting out, then I screamed out and Levi helped me"
"Oh that's lovely of Levi, did he see you without any clothing on?"
"No, Miss Smith, I got her a bathrobe and then carried her into her room, don't you worry, I didn't see a thing!" I pipe in
"Thankyou lovely, Meg and I will be heading back now and taking you to the hospital, ok, so get some clothes on, we are 5 minutes away"
"Ok, bye mum, love you"
"Love you bye"
She hangs up and tries to get up as usual, then cries out and sits back down again.
"You silly thing, what would you like?" I slide open her wardrobe.
"See on the shelf the grey hood with silver outline, it's folded up there, yep that one! And then just those leggings next to the flowered jeans, there yep" She guides me and I put the clothes on her bed
"What about underclothes?" I ask
"Oh, they are in my bedside table, just grab a pair of undies and a bra" she says to me
I open her draw and get out a pair of underwear and a bra, which feels kind of weird, then she asks me to get her a shirt which I get as well.
"How are you going to get these on?" I query
"Umm, I'll get the bra, tops and undies on and would you be able to help me with the leggings?" She asks
"Sure, anything" I close my eyes
"Ok, you can open now" I open my eyes
"Can you please help me with this?" She struggles to put the leggings over her feet
I rush over and help her pull them up, she winces when I accidentally touch her ankle, I pull up her pants and run my hands along her boney legs and hips.
"Thanks a lot Levi, I'm so glad you were there and the door wasn't locked!!!!" She gasps
"No problem, I think your mum is here" I reply

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