Can we talk about Peggy?StevexReader

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"Yes darling?"

"Can I ask you something?"

You lifted your head off of the pillow. Neither of you had been able to sleep. Well , that was a lie. Steve was drifting off into sleep when your voice filled his ears. The deep light of the moon shone weakly through the almost transparent curtains. He turned to you propping his head up on his arm.

"What would you like to talk about?"

His voice was groggy with sleep. You turned your head looking at him. His features barely visible in the darkness of the room.

"Peggy. Can we talk about Peggy?"

You could see him visibly pale. Despite him trying to hide it he did think about her. You could tell. Yet you didnt blame him. He cleared his throat looking  at the black sheets of the bed.


"I think it needs to be talked about. Its been bothering me lately."


"Because Steve."

"Not good enough , why?"

You thought for a moment. there where a million reasons why it bothered you. He never spoke about her. He never visited her. He never even did research on her. Yes he knew she was still alive due to S.H.E.I.L.D informing him so when he awoke from the ice. Why did it bother you? Well , you thought that maybe after 70 years of worrying about someone , waiting for something you were sure wouldnt happen and then have them ALIVE. You would hate it if they didnt show up to even say hello. Not a single hello. He hadnt contacted her. And it bothered you.

"Why havent you spoken with her? She loved you Steve..And you loved her...So why didnt you speak with her?"

His jaw clenched his hands balling into fist before un clenching. He was clearly in deep thought. He opened his mouth as if to speak before closing it once more. He didnt know what to say. Reaching out  he gently stroked your cheek.

" Because she wasnt there when I left the ice. Ok? Yes I know shes 92. She couldnt exactly make it? But from what the agents tell me she is perfectly capable of doing many things. She didnt call me either... I have a feeling talking to her after 70 years of her most likely thinking I was dead would be tramatizing. I love YOU (your full name) , and I sure as hell hope you love me . Ok? This is the chapter in my life I would like to keep re reading. Not the one where I missed dates or left empty promises to a now married woman. Shes happy now ,alright? Im happy now."

After this he turned resting on his side facing away from you. You nodded in understanding. It wasnt that he didnt care. He just didnt want to risk loosing you over a woman who would be alright without him.


You would make him attend her funeral.

You wouldnt mind that he cried.

You wouldnt mind that he helped carry the casket.

And he wouldnt mind you asking about her again.

//aye shit post but its all good

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