Zabuza and haku

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After 3days I made
it to the hidden mist village And was looking for him I did find him however he said he wouldn't so we ended up fighting I won and so here I am sweating and panting lowly it's been 3 weeks since he decided to train me but I'm making progress I even met his apprentice haku he is such a sweet and talented boy I hope his pure soul stays that way..

~time skip to another 3weeks later~

Today was the day I was leaving I had mastered swordsmanship(to the best she can) I was hugging both of them goodbye and thanking them."Be safe.. brat" Zabuza said trying to hide his affection, keyword trying.. me and haku giggled "Good luck armo-chan " said haku then Zabuza gave me a book that had a lot of kenjutsu jutsus inside and a charm which was a heart with a sword through  and haku gave me a pink sakura flower charm and a  white bracelet . Typical Zabuza I know you have a heart "Thank you. Zabuza ,Haku. Good bye" and good luck with that I gave both kisses on there cheek and two kunais that had my name engraved in it they nodded. With that I took off. Once I was far away  i did summoning justsu and summoned matsu aka a giant panda *^▁^*-_-# don't let it fool you this is the definition for her she is 10 foot tall black and white panda that has a blue eye and a black one and her claws are extremely shark despite her size she is pretty fast and she can do bamboo jutsus (that's fake...right?-_-b)
"Ugh hey matsu "I said to her "Armonie -sama what have you summoned me for oh and by the way I love the new look makes you look wise " she said "nothing just needed company And a lift.. wait are you saying I didn't look wise before?..!" I said looking at her accusingly "Uhhhh no I didn't say that pshh please" she said trying to act normal key word TRYING she failed.. then we started laughing once we stopped she leaned down and I got on "so we're to..?"" I'm planing on killing some rogue nins ya know.. give myself a name in tha bingo book... " I replied she stopped "wait aren't you supposed to be at the hidden leaf village? " 'Slow much... ' I thought "I left you know .I gave up on her I got this hat from the old man and a lighter from asuma you know I think Asuma and Kurenia are gonna be together they always have this lovey dove atmosphere " we giggled at the thought yeah she's been in the village she's my most trusted panda. "K so killing rogue nins it is "

---time skiiiiip --- 6moths later

After 6 months of killing rogue nins in the bingo book I earned 5th spot now it's boring I need. Something better to do.. "Matsu let's go to a nearby village probably there's news there or something " "Uhghhhhhh...what is with you child " she whined "You sound like a dying animal come on please I'll give you bamboo leaves?" I asked "Your such a sterio type not because I'm a panda means all I eat is bamboo leaves ya know!! ""OK OK... geez." With that we we're off to the closes village . "Matsu I think it's best you leave now" I said to her as I saw people looking at us some afraid and some in awe."Hai. " I jumped of off her and she un summoned leaving a poof of smoke behind  . As I was at the market buying some food I over heard two men talking about how the hokage of the leaf has died and that they wonder whose going to be the next one.. this caused tears to gather in my eyes.. 'HOW? WHO DID IT!!AGH DAMN IT WHY HIM!! Damn it old man !' Now i was sobbing but the only thing noticeable was the rising of my shoulders and the tears on
the ground i pulled the hat he gave me down more.
.'he's gone ..whose next zabuza?haku ? ...' (if only she knew they were dead one week after she left ) with that i left the village ....I gotta go somewhere else somewhere far away from all this...

Itachi and kisame

"Eh Itachi look what we got here " "hn" " wait from the petals on her kimono and the kanji sign that's her hat...rare blossoms
.I heard a rumour that her petals are pink but they are red when she's finished with her victim... cruel yet beautiful ain't she? " " I also heard after her victims are usually rogue nins." "She seems useful... let's tell leader sama she might be able to help us in the long run " with that they left..

Armonie's POV

'Hmm aren't I well known..? ' with that my clone went poof.

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