Not So Beach Day

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Raven hated being sick. Especially on beautiful sunny days that she could be spending on the beach with her friends. Sure, she wasn't much of the "go neck deep into the ocean" type of girl, but she did enjoy laying out under the sun with a good book. Then occasionally if it got ridiculously hot, she'd make an appearance in the water. But no. Today of all days, she was sick. So sick that she couldn't even focus on the tiny words on one of the many pages of her new book.

She sighed as she closed the book, accepting that she wouldn't get much reading done today. Today was one of the first days of summer and the crime rate had been surprisingly low in Jump City. The titans had planned a beach day the other day at Starfire's request. Something about how "the fresh air and the shine of the sun will do us some good". No one could fight with that logic. Then of course after she brought it up Beastboy and Cyborg were all for it. After all, those two were up for anything.

Robin had taken some convincing, but not because he didn't want to. He was just concerned about being able to protect the city. After consistent whining and batted eyelashes, Boy Wonder had finally agreed that a beach day was a great idea.

Now it was near 11:00am and Raven was sure her team had already been on their way out. She never slept late, but this morning she felt especially tired. She clearly remembered her team coming up to get her a while earlier.

"Raaaaaven, it's time to go!"

"Yeah, come on Raven, we want to beat the crowds."

"It will be the fun, Raven!"

She sighed from her bed as she cracked the door of her room open enough to see Beastboy, Robin, and Starfire. They were all already clad in their bathing suits. She suspected that Cyborg was already in the T-Car ready to go.

"Guys, I'm not going. I don't feel well." She mumbled before sneezing loudly. One of the pens on her desk exploded as she sneezed as if to prove her point.

"Oh no! Friend Raven are you alright? Do you need us to stay?" Starfire squeezed her way into the room, concern evident on her disgustingly flawless face. Raven shook her head.

"I'm okay, Star, really. You guys go have fun."

Starfire looked reluctant, but eventually nodded her head and stepped back out of the dark room.

"Call us if you need anything, Raven." Robin called before he and the others went towards the elevator.

Raven was up and somewhat fully dressed. She wore scandalously short shorts that she normally wouldn't wear outside of her bedroom, but figured that she would wear them today due to her being alone in the tower anyway. She wore an old grey tee shirt that stopped just above her belly button. Her hair was messy and unkempt, but she ignored it.

As she made her way to the common room she appreciated the silence through the whole tower. She loved her teammates, but man were they loud. The stepped into the large elevator slowly, basking in the non-presence of Robin's blasting music or Starfire's shrill squeals. When the elevator doors opened Raven was shocked to see that she was not alone in the tower. There was Beastboy, fumbling around in the kitchen whispering incoherently to himself. He was leaning over something that Raven couldn't see.

"Beastboy?" She called before letting out a small sneeze. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at the beach."

"Oh! Uh, hey Raven! I just, figured with you being sick and all you wouldn't wanna be alone... So I stayed here to take care of you!" Beastboy spewed out as he turned around, hand on the back of his neck. Raven had noticed that he was no longer in his purple swim trunks, but a black V-neck and grey baggy sweatpants. He smiled sheepishly.

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