Whatcha Reading?

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Raven sighed contently as she flipped the next page in her brand new book. The pages were crisp and still smelled of ink. She smiled as she read on into her new story. The story was about a brave young woman fighting her multiple personalities in order to keep the people she loved safe. Raven always did love stories that felt somewhat familiar. She was enjoying herself quiet a lot this morning.

It was early, so all of her team mates were still asleep and she was able to have the common room couch all to herself. She was still in her pajamas, purple shorts and a grey and purple midriff, as she sipped on her hot tea. She smiled to herself as she basked in the rare silence. Her teammates never seemed to be quiet. The only time the tower was this calm was when everyone was sleeping or when everyone was gone.

The smile automatically left her face when she heard a vaguely familiar sucking noise coming from right behind her head. She didn't have to turn around to know who the culprit of ruining her peaceful morning was.

"Beastboy?" She mumbled as she tried not to lose her place in the page of her book. The sucking only continued a little before the changeling in question let out a happy sigh.

"Morning, Raven!"

"Why are you awake? It's not even ten yet." Raven sighed.

"I was thirsty!" Beastboy exclaimed while holding up one of his soy milk boxes and taking another long sip.

"Go be thirsty somewhere else."

"After the whole 'fumigating my carpet' thing Robin said I'm not allowed to eat or drink in my room anymore." Beastboy chuckled nervously. Raven had forgot about that whole situation. About a year ago, Beastboy's room had a terrible infestation due to the countless foods and drinks he just left on the floor. Sure, everyone knew that Beastboy was messy, but man was his room terrible. Robin had been furious.

"Just finish your stupid drink and go away." Raven rolled her eyes. After Beastboy sat down and slurped on his drink somewhat quieter, she went back to reading. Only minutes later she was interrupted again.

"Hey Raven, whatcha reading?" Beastboy asked, now leaning over her shoulder. Raven hated when people felt the need to read over her shoulder.

"A book."

"Well duh," Beastboy retorted. "But what kind of book?"

"If you must know it's a romance novel." Raven flipped another page. After all the protagonist was friends with a somewhat annoying character who she always seemed to shut out. Raven could see their plot thickening later in the story.

"Yuck. No zombies? Or explosions?... Machine guns?" Beastboy asked childishly as he had sound effects for all of the things he named. When he was done making shooting sounds, Raven groaned a response.

"Plenty of mental illness."

"That sounds boring."

"Well it's not."

Minutes of silence went by before Beastboy thought of a worthy response. "Want some breakfast?"

"I thought you were leaving after you finished your drink." Raven shot with a glare.

"Well I'm hungry now, and I'm being kind enough to offer getting you something." Beastboy rolled his eyes. Raven was always so cranky.

Raven's eyes suddenly sparked due to a brilliant idea. "You know what? I could use another tea. But from that tea shop across town. You know, the small one by the comic book store?"

Beastboy stared at the ceiling for a moment, thinking back to the small tea shop. He then nodded.

"Well, can you get me a pack of all natural Chinese Honey Cherry Tea with the extra leaves? Oh then can you get me a honey bun from Duke's?"

Raven figured that it would take Beastboy a while to get down town and find the rarest tea she could think of as well as a snack from Duke's that was even further away. In that time, she could finally get some reading done. She looked at Beastboy expectantly. He seemed to be making a mental note in his mind before smiling brightly.

"Okay Raven. I've been wanting to stretch my wings for a while now anyway. Be right back." With that, Beastboy made his way to one of the large windows in the common room, opened it, and transformed into a large green bird. He let out a rather annoying screech before he flapped out of the window. The wind from Beastboy's forceful take off shut the window behind him. Raven smiled as the common room became silent once again. She happily went back to reading.

Ten minutes later, Raven was surprised to hear a tapping on the common room window. There was Beastboy, in the from of a raven holding a large bag with his feet. She thought of ignoring him, but then figured her idea would be stupid because he could see her. She grunted as she got up to let the bird in.

"How poetic of you." Raven rolled her eyes as she watched Beastboy place the food on the counter then transform back to his usual self.

"Edgar Allan Poe, gotta love him." Beastboy grinned at his own cleverness.

Inwardly, Raven was somewhat surprised that Beastboy was familiar enough with Poe to make such a reference, but she kept quiet to avoid being rude. She changed the subject.

"How did you do it so quickly?" Raven asked while examining the obscure tea she had asked for.

"Well, after flying off of the island I took the form of a cheetah. Then that flavor you asked for really isn't as unpopular as you would think. Turns out it's so weird that everyone has been trying it! Only took two seconds to find!" Beastboy smiled as he munched on a muffin. Raven cursed herself for forgetting that Beastboy could literally turn into one of the fastest animals on Earth. She mentally kicked herself. She was smarter than that.

"Well I'm going back to reading now." Raven sighed as she turned away from the counter. "Thanks for the breakfast, I'll eat it later."

Beastboy slowly made his way over to Raven and took a seat beside her. Raven instantly put her book down again.

"What do you want, Beastboy? Do you really have nothing better to do then bug me all morning? You know that the mornings are my time to be alone and read. So can you please just let me read?" Raven said slowly and patiently, trying her best not to explode. Beastboy visually shrunk down into the couch.

"I'm sorry, Rae. Honest. I just thought that... maybe spending the morning with you could be... fun."

Raven's expression automatically softened once Beastboy then transformed into a small green cat. He looked up at her with his large eyes before cuddling up to her side. Raven took that as an invitation to finally begin reading again.

"Thank you." She whispered as she opened her book once more. While reading she pet the small cat gently, happy to receive the quiet that she deserved. Not even ten minutes later, the elevator doors to the common room opened, revealing the remaining three titans.

"GOOD MORNING TITANS TOWER!" Cyborg boomed as he instantly began banging around the kitchen in order to cook his usual large breakfast. He hummed a rather obnoxious tune as he did so.

"What a beautiful day, friends!" Starfire practically sang as she flew laps around the room, busily speaking of her plans for the day. Robin watched the alien in amusement before he went straight to his boom box, turning on the loudest song possible. Beastboy excitedly hoped down from the couch and transformed back into himself as he greeted the rest of his team.

"Morning, dudes!"

Raven's right eye twitched as she slowly closed her book and left the room.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Hope you liked this one! Please make sure to comment or vote! ~Brianna ❤️

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