Chapter III

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Chapter III-

“Alizair, stop setting things on fire!” Kara scolded her son as he played in the living room with his brother, Erron.

Alizair quickly stopped the flames from shooting through his eyes and Erron sent a steady flow of water over the flames that engulfed a small table lamp.

Erron made me do it!” Alizair exclaimed, quickly pointing to his brother who instantly pulled a look of offense.

Did not!” he yelled, tackling his twin to the ground. Just as he raised his fist to his brother, Kara grabbed his arm and yanked him off of Alizair, fury written all over her face.

Boys!” she screeched. If there was one thing she hated most in the world, it was when her boys fought.

The two boys never seemed to get along, and the very reason was because of the fact that they were twins. They hated that they had to share an identity, and hated it even more when people expected them to be the same person, which they weren't. Like most twins, they were like night and day. Hot and cold. And more specifically, fire and and water.

Alizair, the calm, level-headed one had control over the fire element, while Erron, the hothead, controlled the water element. Their powers contradicted their personalities in every way, but that's not the only unusual thing about them. The fact that they controlled any element at all was unusual seeing as no one else has ever had that sort of power, that they know of at least. But the two boys also have twin birthmarks that resembled claw marks slashing across their faces. Erron's on the right, Alizair's on the left. If the two boys weren't so odd, then maybe people would think nothing of the marks, but seeing that that isn't the case, people can't help but stare and wonder what the marks mean.

Maybe it's nothing, and people are just over-reacting.

Or maybe it's everything, and people need to be on the lookout for the two boys.

Their oddness can't be pure coincidence...

Can it? 


Yes, I know! Too short! >.< But I promise I'll try to make the next chapter longer! Please vote and comment and thank you all for reading! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2011 ⏰

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