Ch. 4 .Which house?

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Y/n thought the place was majestic and she hasn'd even seen the inside yet!

Well of course Hermione thought the same, they are twins after all.

Whilst walking the magnificent stairs of the castle y/n felt a pair of eyes on her, as she glanced around she caught Draco staring, finding it funny she struck a dramatic pose.

Draco looked away embarrassed, he obviously wasn't used to such fabulousness.

Hermione noticed and started quietly singing 'love is in the air' dramatically, y/n slapped her on the arm giggling, Hermione smiled back at her.

As they reached the castle they where led inside and up more stairs (so many god damn stairs) where an old lady with a peculiar hat stood, as they reached her she announced,

"Welcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments, you will pass through these doors and join your classmates. But before you can take your seats you must be sorted into your houses."

Hermione stood taller in excitement, clutching y/n's hand, she had read all about the houses!

"They are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin."

Draco smirked

As McGonagall finished her speech and stared down poor Neville and his toad, she left into the great doors leading to the hall.

The 'weird blond kid' according to y/n walked to the front of the crowd and stood infront of Harry.

He stuck his hand infront of poor Harry's face and exclaimed

"so the rumours are true then, Harry Potter has come to hogwarts ....
I'm malfoy draco malfoy"

Ron smirked at that, and y/n got deja vu.

"Think my names funny do you no need to ask yours hair and a hand me down robe? you must be a Weasley" Draco said, his face scrunching up into a scowl.

Y/n felt her fists clench.

"Well soon find that some wizarding families are better than others, potter, you don't want to go around making friends whith the wrong sort. I can help you there" he said, hand still in Harry's face.

"i think i can tell the wrong sort for myself thanks" Harry calmly stated, refusing to shake his hand.

Y/n couldn't help it and said in a ridiculous voice "rejecteeeedd"

Draco turned to her annoyed

"and what's your name then "

"Gregory... obviously" she said sarcastically. The room erupted in giggles, Draco's eyes widening at the audacity.

"What is it really" He said, clearly frustrated now.

"Y/n Granger " y/n said proudly before Mcgonagall re-entered the hallway announcing,

"We're ready for you now"

As they walked into the great hall, four large tables sat full of students, all eyes where on the group as they were led to the front. As y/n looked to the magical ceiling, she noticed how the it didn't look like a ceiling at all and more like if someone had cut a large hole in the roof and allowed the sky to sit there.

Hermione looked to y/n and said

"that isn't really the night sky it's just bewitched to look like it, i read it in hogwarts a history" y/n smiled and admired her sisters memory and they laughed together to ease their nerves.

The group all walked up to a disgusting, grimy, old hat sitting on a chair at the front of the room. In y/n's mind it looked more like someone had shit on the chair than a magical hat.

Dumbledore began his welcome and term notices, briefly mentioning the horrific dangers on the 3rd floor corridor that is definitely safe to have in a school. As he finished McGonagall began announcing first years to come and be sorted.

"Hermione Granger"

Y/n felt Hermione jolt next to her, trying to comfort her sister y/n attempted words of encouragement

"It's okay Mione!! Just relax, the worst thing that could happen is the hat gives you some sort of disease!"

Her words made Hermione laugh slightly as she walked on shaky legs to the stool.

As the hat was placed on her head Hermione held her breathe, after a few moments of consideration the hat yelled out,

The hat spoke (surprising Ron) "HA another weasly... i know just what to do with you.......GRIFFINDOOR"
The Gryffindor table clapped and cheered as Ron went and sat with them.

"Y/n Granger"
Said Granger in question was almost dozing off from, her head snapped up upon hearing her name.
Holding her breathe walked towards the stool silently praying the hat wouldn't give her headlice.

After a few moments of the hats consideration, y/n silently arguing with it about being put through a washing machine (it really stank!!)
The hat finally let out,

The Gryffindor table cheered as she walked tdown and sat next to her dearest sibling, obviously relived to be in the same house.

Malfoy was called up next.

The hat barely grazed his head before it shouted a profound
oof.. didn't expect that at all....

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