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Giselle's PoV
"It's...its mine"
Who? Who said that? I nervously scan the room. My eyes glancing over everyone before landing on the one person I would least expect to be pregnant.....Richelle! Oh god! No! No  way! She must be lying! Little Richelle cannot be pregnant! Not the Richelle I know at least. Not the baby ballet Richelle that I took back to the music room after getting lost on her way to the toilet. Not the Richelle that I helped clean smoothie off after Abi got jealous and poured it over her head. Not the Richelle that killed her audition for A troupe. Not the Richelle that sadly got beaten by Max. Not....not my Richelle! I felt the tears well up in my eyes. This is not possible. I didn't know she even had well.....a boyfriend!
       The room was deadly silent. Everyone just staring at a silent Richelle. I internally groan. This is not right. She is a baby. A baby should not be having a baby. Of course she's not. She's sixteen. A sixteen year old who had unprotected sex. I groan again, placing my head into my hands. I try to think back to when I was sixteen. I don't even think I had kissed a boy at that age. Oh how times have changed!
I nervously lift my head from my palms to look at her. Through slightly blurred vision I notice she is standing deadly still. That cannot be good! I look up to her face. She is staring blankly at the wall in front of her, her arms resting against her sides. She is deadly white. That is so not good! I rush up onto my feet before racing forward to her. When I get close, I rest my hands upon her shoulders before shaking her slightly. She doesn't move..
I say over and over. Still she does not respond. I feel a presence by my side, so I look over. I come face to face with Miss Kate. Her brown eyes unblinking as she stares at me with concern.
" she okay?..."
She says softly. Why is she asking me? She has eyes, she can bloody well see the state that Richelle is in. I look towards her in disbelief.
" she ain't! She just told everyone she was pregnant and we stared at her like she had three heads!"
I said in exasperation. I see her flinch back in shock. Honestly, I don't mean to get mad! I'm just trying to picture myself in her situation. I wouldn't like it if people treated me like that!
I turn quickly to the voice of the noise. Richelle must have heard my rant and woken up from her trance. She looked at me. Her eyes glassy and red. She nervously licked her lips before letting out a little hiccup. The tears started to fall then, so I gathered her into a hug. I pushed her head tightly against my chest and allowed her hands to grip onto the back of my shirt. She started crying hysterically. Oh! Oh richelle! You shouldn't be facing this! I will personally find the person who done this to her and chop his ba-
       I feel a tap on my shoulder. Soon I was being dragged backwards and down onto the bench, with Richelle still gathered in my arms. I looked hesitantly around me only to see the girls looking at me with reassurance.
"I'll be back...I' just going to gra-grab some tissues..."
Said Miss Kate, softly. She looked down at Richelle with sadness before nodding her head and racing towards her office. Oh what a great help she is! She is supposed to be the mature one here yet she is acting like she has just received the news that her dog had died. I shouldn't get mad at her! She is probably just overwhelmed with emotions! Probably shocked that one of her students got pregnant under her supervision.
      I watch as Riley gets up from her position on the floor to sit in the bench beside Richelle and slowly run circles into her back for comfort. I give her a small smile of 'thanks'.
" you..Gis-"
Richelle starts but is soon gets cut off by hiccuping. I stoke down her hair in comfort before whispering
"It's okay love! Your alright...your going to be alright"
I softly kiss her forehead, bringing her in tighter.
"But..but it's not!"
What? I gently let go of my tight grip, allowing her to lean back and look up at me.
"Of course it is!"
I say with a smile, pulling a strand of her hair back behind her ear. Richelle closes her eyes before nodding her head.
"No. No it's not!...."
She said looking back up into my eyes.
"Nothing is going to be okay!"
She said wiping away a tear which had fallen down her cheek.
"I'm pregnant, Giselle. FREAKING PREGNANT!"
She yelled out, before bursting out into tears. At that moment Kate came rushing back into the studio with a box of tissues in her hand. I quickly grabbed them out of her extended hands and took one out handing it to Richelle. She wiped away at her eyes, leaving them extremely red from the harsh rubbing. Her nose was extremely red and shiny as she blew it before scrunching up the tissue and letting it fall down the back of the bench. I handed her a fresh one just incase.
"My life is over!!"
She said exasperated. No! No it isn't! I was about to speak up and argue with her but then she started again.
"I'm never going to be able to dance again. And my parents....well my parents are going to kick me out. And..and even worse my I'm never going to be able to get a job. I'll be homeless. A single mother forced out onto the streets by her parents and lack of education, having to clean toilets and old dirty diners just to get enough money to feed her child. I'll be invisible! Just another person out on the streets only with a little extra baggage. No one will care for me! They won't even glance in my direction as they go about their business. I had dreams you know!"
She said shaking her head rapidly up and down.
"I wanted to be a famous triple threat: singing, dancing and acting. No casting director is going to give me a second glance. My cv will just be pushed into the trash with all the other hopeless actresses. I just wish me and Noa-"
She cut her self short by placing her hands over her mouth. Did she just say? No! He can't be! There was a collective gasp. Noah's the dad! Wow! Just.....WOW! Why hadn't I realised sooner? Of course it would be Noah!
"You and Noah?"
Said Riley shocked. Her eyes were wide and distant.
"Wow! Just...well WOW!"
Ha! I guess great minds must think a like! I moved my gaze back to Richelle. Her eyes had started to leak again, small tears tumbling down her cheeks at a great race. She quickly wiped them with her tissue before fiddling about with it in her hands. I have questions! When? Where? Why? Okay maybe not that one! I think I know how.....I cringe a little at the thought!
I take Richelle's face into my hands before looking into her eyes.
"So you and Noah, huh?"
She nodded her head in shame.
"I'm such an idiot, for not seeing it before. I don't know why it took me so long to find out"
I said with a little laughter, trying to lighten the mood. It works sort of as I watch the corners of Richelle's mouth twitch.
"We have some questions!"
I said gesturing to the girls. They all nod there heads in response. Eager for me to get started.
"First things first...I shall ask you the question that is burning a whole in my brain"
I say with a smile.
"When did you and....umm...Noah, have...well...have sex. And maybe you could kill one bird with two stones and tell me where too"
I know this is a little awkward, but it has to be done! I need to know...we all need to know! I let go of Richelle's face to allow her to look at the ground. She lets out a sigh before moving her head to look at us.
"It was....."
She wavered before continuing.
"Me and Noah.....we umm....well we had sex in the...thecostumecloset"
She said mumbling into her shirt. What? I didn't quite catch that! I can't be sure what she said.
"Speak up Richelle! We couldn't hear what you said!"
Said Stephanie confidently. Richelle sighed before sitting up straight and twirling a piece of her hair.
"I and Noah...had sex in the costume closet..."
She said quietly. Although not quiet enough that we couldn't hear her. Oh god! The costume closet?! Ugh. I was literally in there yesterday, I could have been standing on the exact spot that they.....I shuddered. Do not think about that image Giselle! Don't do it!
There was a quiet gasp of shock as everyone thought over what she had said.
"Were you sober?"
I ask inquisitively. I watch as she nodded her head, yes. So is she trying to tell me that she had sex with Noah intentionally.
"The costume closet? You had sex at the next step. When Richelle? When was this?!"
Said Kate shocked. Richelle looked up at her, wiping away a tear.
"After the umm.....a troupe auditions.."
Oh this is getting better and better! Noah and Richelle having sex in the costume closet after the auditions. It sounds like something jiley would do! Actually now that I think about it, I don't remember seeing James and Riley much after the auditions for the internationals team. Oh god!
        Kate took a step back before groaning and placing a hand on her forehead.
"This is all my fault! I should have been looking out for you...I could have stopped you..."
She said exasperated. I felt Richelle move next to me. Soon she was up on her feet and next to Kate. She placed a hand on her shoulder.
"No! No it wasn't your fault Miss Kate. You had no part in this. This was all me and Noah. This is all our fault!"
"What's my fault?"
Another cliffhanger 🤗 oh I'm such a meany

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