Sword art online suguha and kiritos version

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Okay well this chapter isn't the best but don't worry it will get better i promise so bare with me thnxx.

Suguhas p.o.v

i put me nerve gear on and laid down on my bed and said

"Link start."

It showed me an icon to create what I wanted my character to look like.

I made her had blond hair in a ponytail and green eyes and I was wearing a olive green shirt with level one armor over it and regular black tights at the bottom, but I also had a long black cloak on so no one could see my face because i wanted to be a little mysterious, and

My weapon choice was a silver sword.

When I was finished I pressed the start button with my finger.

All of a sudden I was in a huge town with people walking around it looked so real but , it wasn't .

The first thing I did was try to get to the next town on my map and while doing that also level up.


After a few minutes I found my way out of the town of beginnings.

I took out my heavy silver blade and got prepared for any animals or monsters that came to attack at me.

It was weird because nothing came to attack me yet, it was so quiet, but it was nice, at home in the real world I was always to busy practicing my fighting skills or studying for tests.

I've never felt so at peace before, but I was still kind of confused because now I was right in front of the gates of the next town and nothing came after me.....

But...then just before I stepped into the town...I somehow teleported back to the town of beginnings.

But not just me other people did also.

Everyone was confused, then the sky turned red and a weird liquid came out of it and turned into a huge guy with a red cloak on but you couldn't see his face. Then he started talking and his voice was the voice of the created of the game.

"Attention players, welcome to my world, my name is Akihiko Kayaba and as of this moment I am

In control of this world, I'm sure most of you have already noticed an item missing from your main menus, the logout button, let me assure you this isn't a defect in the game."

I opened my menu and it wasn't there like he said

"I repeat this is not a defect, this is how sword art online was designed to be, you cannot log your selfs out of S.A.O, and no one from outside will be able to shut down or remove the nerve gear from your head, if anyone attempts to do so, the transmitter inside the nerve gear will microwave a transmitter signal into your skull destroying your brain, and ending your life."

At this point people were freaking out put I was just paralyzed I couldn't believe this was happening.

"Despite my warning the families and friends if some of the players have attempted moving the nerve gear, an unfortunate decision, and now the game has 2013 less players, than when It began, they've been deleted by both mine rad and the world, as you can see international media outlets around the world have blocked coverage of everything and including the deaths, at this point it's safe to assume the likely hood of nerve gear being removed as minimal at best, I hope this brings you a little confidents as you try to clear the game, it's important to remember the following, there is now no way to revive someone within the game, if your HP drops to zero your avatar will be deleted from the system forever, and the nerve gear will simultaneously destroy your brain...there's only one way for a character to escape now, you must clear the game..right now your gathered on floor one the lowest floor, if you defeat the boss you will advance to the next floor eventually, when you beat the boss on floor 100 you will clear the game."

People were crying and in fear

"Last but not least I left a little present in the item storage of every character please have a look."

I opened my menu and the present was a mirror I took the hood off my cloak of and looked at my reflection through it , than everyone including me was in a blue beam I screamed in fear and than it stopped.

I looked in my mirror and I looked like what I did in the real world and everyone one else looked different too, I quickly put my hood back on than he said.

"Right now your probably wondering why." He continued

"Why would Akihiko Kayaba the creator of sword art online and nerve gear do this, ultimately my goal was simple, the reason why I created it was to control the fate of a world of my design, as you can see, I have achieved my goal, this marks the end of the tutorial and the launch of sword art online, players I wish you the best of luck." He finished and than disappeared


At that moment people were still crying and screaming, but I ran out of the town of beginnings to the next town, but this time there were monsters I took

Out my sword and slashed them all to pieces and kept running, I had to get home, I had to beat this game even if it means dying to do it.

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