Chapter 3

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In the morning I put my cloak on so no one could see my face especially Kirito.

In the hotel was a food court that you can eat at so I went their to have brunch because I slept in pretty late and the meeting was going to start in 13 minutes.

So right after I ate I pulled out my map and ran to the arena for the meeting.


When I got their surprisingly I was one of the first people to be there so I sat on the very top riser.

After a little more people came including Kirito he sat on the same riser as me but he was a distance away.

After I noticed him a man in the arena started talking to us he clapped his hands twice to get our attention than said

"Okay people,now that everyone's here lets get started, so anyway I wanna thank everyone for coming, good to see you my name is Diabell and in this game the job I rolled is knight," everyone started laughing except for me than some guy yelled

"Dude there's no job system in this game."

Than another guy laughed out

"Ha aha, a knight."

But than Diabell said

"Do you guys wanna hear this or not," everyone then stopped laughing and got serious again and Diabell continued

"Alright, anyways here's the deal our party found a boss room at the top of the tower last night,"

Everyone was surprised

"First we need to defeat the boss and make it to floor two,the next step is we have to tell everyone waiting in the town of beginnings that it is possible to beat this game, the fact is that it's our duty as the most capable players here, do you agree or not!"

Everyone started looking and talking to each other than they all started clapping

"Okay, glad to hear your all with me on this." He continued, I glanced over at Kirito and he was resting his chin on his hand and.. Actually smiling for once.

"Now lets figure out how we're gonna beat the boss, first off will team parties of six."he said

I glared over at Kirito and he was in a panic to find someone he scooted right next to me in a hurry and said

"You got left out too huh."

"Looks like it." I say to him

"Hey, aren't you the one who came into my room the other day?" He asked

"Yeah, sorry about that." I say

"It's alright, we'll I'm guessing your solo too do you want to form a party with me?" He asked

I kinda hesitated and turned my head to face him even though he couldn't see my face and then he said

"You heard what the guy said, we can't beat the boss alone, and it would only be for this fight."

"I don't really have a choice now, don't I" I say with a smile

He smiled back at me and sent me a request and I accepted it, then the guy continued talking

"Alright looks like everyone's teamed up." But than a guy interrupted him and said

"Hold on a minute!"

"My names Kebaw got that, before we take on the boss I wanna get something of my chest, we all no about the 2000 people who died so far right,well some of you need to apologize to them right now," he said and than pointed at all of us ,Kirito looked kinda nervous

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