'i sat on my hands i dont make a sound' 2

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mackenzies POV

I woke up at 5:00am and i screamed forgeting where i was, i looked around i remembered where i was. I was in my new room with my new famiy, before i could go back to sleep Calum ran throgh the door looking terrifide "WHATS WRONG?! ARE YOU OK?! WHERES THE KILLER!?!" he yelled and you stopped him.

"thers no one i just forgot where i was for a second its ok" i said getting out of bed. my feet landed on the soft carpet and calum stopped me, "where you going?" he asked. i stopped and thinked "i dont know noramly i just go and wake up clare by now and then head to the kitchen." i said and he nodded "whos clare?" he asked. Dham this kid has alot of questions. "shes my old roomate" i said going to my backpack

Calum sat on the end of my bed as i grabed out my book of memories, this is a book of my life since i never remember things that well. i sat next to him and he looked over my sholder to se a big black book with papare in it. "this is my book of memories, anythime i get somthing that awesome i put it into here" i explaned as he looked at the cover of my book.

"this is me when i was 4 and thats my first shell i got at the beach, oh and that clare. and this is our friendship bracelets.' i said pointing to everything in my book, i told him that this is a special book and no one can touch it with out my permision.

"this is cool i wish i did somthing like this!" calum sad as he looked at my recent pages, i reached out of my bag the peice of paper that i put in my bag last night and gut out a glue stick and pasted it into my book, with the help of Calum.

after we talked about some of my things in my book, i relised i get well with boys more than girls. normaly i get scared talking to the girls my age but i just have more fun with guys and there not total dick heads. After we talked more calum said that we should go eat breackfast so we headed to there eating some toast while looking at his phone, "hey luke" calum said going straight to the firdge. "morning you two" he replied with a sleepy smile. i smiled back and sat down next to luke, "what would you like to eat mackenzie?" calum asked and i looked at him funny "im not hungry" i said and just asked for water. "wow i have never head someong not hungry in the morning" luke said looking up from his phone "well i dont wanna get any fatter than am so better be safe than sorry" i said and they both looked at me wired.

"your not fat our skinner than me!" luke said and i smirked "thats what they all say besides the girls in my age group" i laughed. "well they lie but we don't" Calum said handing me a pice of toset "plz eat it, or haft of it" i sighed and atea bit and luke patted my back.

When I was done I with my food I swallowed it down with some nice cold water and I waited for one of the boys to tell me my chores. I just sat there waiting, did they forget about my chores? Well we did a lot of chores but at the orphanage!

"Um do I get chores?" I asked, "what?! No one gets chores" Luke said looking at Calum "don't worry just keep your room clean" Calum said as he put your plate away.
I looked over at Luke's shoulder to see what he's doing on his phone and he clicked on a app called Twitter and he had WTF 7M FOLLOWERS!!! My eyes widen and I looked at a different direction so it didn't look like I was looking at his phone.

"Oh shit www have to go to the studio-job" Calum said, "oh shit yeah, who's going today?" Luke asked putting his phone down "me you and Ashton I'll go get him, we will be late" Calum rushed upstairs. What are they talking about? "Where r u going?" I asked "um our job?" He questioned "what do u do?" I asked wanting to know "um not sure" as he said that he ran off to the car.

As he left Ashton came in and got his jumper and walked to me "it's just you and Michael today be good" he said hugging me. I nodded and walked up to Michaels room.
I softly knocked on the door and waited for a 'come in' or 'fuck off', that's what normally I got when I did at the orphanage.

"Come in" he said and I walked in, Michael was still in bed looking at his phone and he looked at me. He put the phone down and sat up and he patted a spot on his bed so I can sit down. "So what Should we do today?" Michael asked and I surged my shoulders. "Oh well will think of something, the boys will be back at lunch after they finished the song" I Michael said.

"Ahhh what song?" I asked, he said shit under his breath and looked innocent. "Don't worry will explain later" he said getting out of his bed. I followed him down stairs and he got himself an apple and sat him self on the couch and I followed him.

"So what's your favourite thing?" He ask randomly. "I love drawing" I said answering his questions.

After awhile he went off to have a shower and dam dose this boy have tons of questions.... Well good luck to me. I looked around the room and saw some pictures around the room. There was one with Ashton and his family, Luke and I'm guessing his brothers, Calum with a girl? And Michael with his mum.

Wow A lot of people in this family, I looked on the table to see some papers with my name. I skimmed through it thinking it's my folder from the orphanage until this one word came up...... SCHOOL!

Hell no am I going to school, I can't even do basic maths or year 2 spelling!!! Oh no I'm screwed.

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