"This is the way its serpost to be" 3

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Mackenzies POV

NO NO NO IM NOT GOING THERE!!! School is terrible, well thats what the girls say. Theres fuck boy and mean girls, i dont wanna be near them. Calm down Mackenzie its probably not for me, maybe there going to just ask me and i can say no... yeah.

As i put it back where it was Micheal came out in his skinny black jeans and a slipknot shirt, what i think i might know some of there songs. "hey kenzie" he said walking to me "kenzie?" i asked, i was never called that before. "oh dont you like that name?" he said " no no no, i like it" i rehearsed him.

"well then kenzie what kind of music do you listen too?' he asked at he goton his phone and tapped a app called spotify. "well i haven't listed to music in ages but my old carer listed to alot of green day and nickle back" i replied "what you havnt listened to music in a awhile, i thought your room woud be blasting with music" he laughted and put on some nickle back.

"look at this photograph, every time i do it makes me laugh" i started to sing and micheal was listing.

after the song he stopped the music and looked at me, "hey why did you stop my jam!" i laughed. "you can sing?" he asked "no i sound like shit" i smirked, Clare and I would sing all the time to songs that we remember. it would mostly be I miss you by Blink 182 but she sang better than me.

"kenzie you dont sound shit you sing better than me!' he said to me, i just srugged it off and sat on the couch. "kenzie whats your favorite song?" he asked and  looked at him "i miss you, blink 182" i said.

he started to play the song and i just glared at him, i was not going to sing for him. He was dancing around and singing to the top of his lungs, he didnt sound that bad but he sound form ilia.

"hello there he angle from my nightmare" he sang tring to make me sing.

"the shadow in the back round of the morge" he was hinting me with his stupid face.

"you can allways find me" i decided to join in and he through a punch in the air, and i laughed at him. "Will have Halloween on Christmas and in the night well wish this never ends, I wish this never ends"

"i miss you, i miss you" i said and we laughed and danced around the house, something like this brings out the inter child in me. As we where singing Micheal got a call on his phone so he stopped the song and answered the call.

"heyy" he said in his cheerful voice, as he was listing to the person on the other side of the call his face slowly soften and looked very upset, Then he looked angry and clenched his fist. "cant we talk about this?" he asked and tried to contain his anger. I wonder who it was.

He angrly hanged up and took a deep brefth in and walked back to the couch, i didnt want to asked him about it as its not my bisness so i just started to sing agian.

-after lunch-

I was on the couch and it was just me and Michael, we were just talking about the life back at hell. "Seriously it sucks!" I ended with my wrap up of the orphanage, he laughed and walked to the kitchen to put his cup away. "So the boys should be back soon" he said as he put his cup in the sink, I nodded and swanked to the kitchen.

Then his phone started to blow up, I glanced at the phone as a lot of Notifications popped up on his screen. He glanced at it and looked away, "why is your phone making noises?" I asked. He smirked and looked at me "just some friends liking my photo" he said, "well you have a lot of friends" I chuckled.

The door opened and Ashton, Luke and Calum walked in. I waved and they waved back, I looked at ashtons hand as it was holding a bag full of stuff "oh don't worry about that stuff yet Mackenzie" he smiled and I nodded.

The boys all looked at each other and nodding, Luke looked at me and said ......

Cliff hanger 😂

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2016 ⏰

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