Mission Talk

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"Alright, everyone meet in the meeting room as soon as you finish lunch" general said making us all nod. He left the lunch room as we continued to eat our lunch.
"Why was Eunice picked to go to London?" Rencie asked making me swallow my food. I picked up my spoon and pointed it at him.
"Reason being, is because mr. Paul Newman wanted a woman to chase after his villains because women never get caught" I said making Will nod.
"That's true" Will said making the boys nod.
"You guys are good in training, I'm sorry that me and Will keep arguing during your training sessions" I said making Will nod.
"It's alright, we get what you're feeling. We don't act the same if something close to us gets taken away" Muslim said making us nod.
"If Eunice saw us fighting, I swear she would have snapped at us" I said making them nod.
"Eh, women" will said making us all laugh.

After lunch, me and the boys all jogged to the meeting room. I took my ID card out and scanned it on the scanner by the door. The doors pulled apart opening it making us walk in. The big circle table had a blue lit up rim around it. And then once General touched the table, holograms popped out from the table showing, files, pictures, missions. We all sat down around the table.
"Alright, now, if you all remember Huston from 3 years ago. He had committed suicide after his first 6 months in prison. Reason being is because he didn't like the food there so he grew tired of it" general said making us all chuckle.
"But a few weeks after his death, a friend of his, Jason Jones, started to plan a revenge plot for Huston. So Jason has been creating big weapons along with a big army behind him. But he is running out of materials so, he is traveling all around the world gathering up more and more materials to create more weapons. If you don't already know, it is obvious he is targeting the people that sent Huston to Jail meaning, President Obama." General said making us gasp.
"So I will split you guys up into 2 different teams. One will be following Jason's footsteps, gathering information on what he is doing while the other team stays and watches over President Obama. He has a lot of security watching him but I'm sure he won't mind a few more. So Kirk, Rencie and Muslim, you will be traveling to where Jason is and gather up information on his every move. Will and Jayden, you too will be staying here to watch the president. Do I make myself clear?" General asked making us answer.
"Sir yes sir!" We said making him nod.
"Report to your rooms, you guys have free period for 2 hours" general commanded making us nod and stand.

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