Chapter Two

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*Jamie's P.O.V*

I dragged my bags out of the plane as we arrived in England. I looked around at the crowd of people for my taxi. I saw a man dressed in a black suit with a sign. I got on my tip-toes and looked over the massive wave of people to see the print on the sign.


Oh, that's my name.

I walked over to the man. "Are you Jamie Morgan?" He asked. "Yep, that's me." I responded. "Come right this way." He told me as he turned around. I readjusted my duffle bag and grabbed my suitcase handle. I followed him all the way to the doors. As soon as I stepped outside the rather chilly England air embraced me. I followed the man to a Taxi, he took my bags and put them in the trunk. I opened the car door and entered the vehicle. I looked to the other seat and almost screamed.

"Who are you?!" I asked. The dude put his sunglasses off his face. "am Louis Tomlinson." He told me. I groaned and rolled my eyes. The Taxi driver entered the car and started the ignition. I poked his shoulder "Hey, mister, what is HE doing here?!" I asked him. "I'm taking you both to the same place, all the players are staying in the same building." He explained. I groaned "Seriously?!" I asked. "Yes Miss." He replied. I groaned again, I pushed myself back into the seat and crossed my arms. I looked out the window to avoid even believing Louis Tomlinson was on the planet let alone three feet away from me.

"Is there a problem about that?" A boyish voice asked me. I turned my head to face him. I pursed my lips and pretended to think about it. "Uh, let me think - YES!" I retorted. He smirked "And why is that?" He asked. I could see it in his eyes that he simple wanted to annoy me. "Because your big ego is going to take up the whole place." I responded. I smirked at my clever remark. "My big ego?" He asked. "What about yours?" He asked. "Oh please, at least I have a reason to have one." I told him. OH SNAP DRAGON. I'M ON A ROLL! 

I smirked and looked at the middle review mirror in the Taxi, the driver had a smirk on his face. I brought my attention back to the window and Louis didn't say anything else. I finally got that boy to shut his pretty mouth.

The car stopped and I unbuckled my seat belt. I opened the door and walked to the trunk. I tried to open it but someone stopped it. I looked over and Louis had his hand on the trunk preventing it to open. "No, I'll get the bags." He told me with a fake smile. "No, will." I argued. "Jesse-" he started "Jamie." I corrected. "Whatever." he mumbled "I'm just trying to be nice." He told me. "Yeah, and I'm trying to be a wombat." I sarcastically replied. "Ouch." He muttered. He took his hand off the trunk and I grabbed my duffle bag and suitcase. Louis on the other hand struggled to get his three suitcases out of the trunk. 

"Need some help, princess?" I asked him with a smirk. "N-no, I got it." He told me nervously. I chuckled "Okay." I responded, holding out the 'a' sound. I walked inside and smirked when I saw the stairs we had to take. I relapsed my suitcase handle and picked it up. I walked up the stairs and heard Louis' struggling steps behind me. I smirked as I heard his labor to get up the stairs. I adjusted my duffle bag so it was resting on my neck and turned to Louis. I walked down the stairs and grabbed one of his three suitcases.

"If you can't even walk up the stairs, what makes you think you can play soccer?" I asked him. "Well when amateurs like you are going pro I thought I'd give it a shot." He responded. I smirked at his response. We reached the top of the stairs. I dropped Louis suitcase which sent it rolling down the stairs. "Oops." I spoke innocently. Louis sent me a glare and started for the stairs. I chuckled and looked at the paper I had been given with the details.

"Jamie, Jamie, Jamie..." I muttered as my eyes scanned the page. "Jamie!" I exclaimed as I found my name. "Room 302." I told myself. I looked on the door's numbers until I reached mine. I smiled when I found my room. I entered the plastic card into the key slot, the little green light flashed and I opened the door. I smiled at the quaintness of the room, it was basically a college dorm. A little bed, desk, and a chair. A wardrobe was placed by the door. There was lime green bedding on the small twin-sized bed along with a note. I put my bag down and put my suitcase on the desk. The room was small enough to practice juggling but not big enough to stretch. There was a window beside my bed with a view of the city.

I walked over to my bed and picked up the note.

Dear Jamie,

I hope you like your room! But don't get too comfortable, practice is tonight at 8!


I smiled and looked at the clock, it was 4pm right now, so I have four hours. I looked at the paper with the room assignments. I really want to meet Messi. I examined the paper carefully.

Nick Jonas - Room 304
Hope Solo - Room 298
Lionel Messi - Room 296
Louis Tomlinson - Room 300
Jamie Morgan - Room 302



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