What do I do?

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(I am sorry about the late update, been really busy preparing for supanova)


It's him! I can't believe that it's him, he's not grey, not handsome, and he's here right in front of me in colour and he's f*cking hot! I have no words to speak at this moment, his perfectly tanned skin, messy yet adorable chocolate brown locks and his breath taking eyes, are they green? Or blue? They perfectly match the Caribbean waters, I could get lost in them. I barely notice when he starts to talk but instantly get captivated in that, his voice is smooth and deep, when his word register I lash out leading to him easily evading me and replying with a smart remark, I retort, probably shouldn't have as he seems to be good with his words shutting me up. I see Hanji, hoping this could be my chance to escape only what he said next dashed those hopes "thank you kindly T.M. for all the information you gave me" he said to them as they began to chuckle again. "Of course, hehe I thought he would be to your tastes" they said as both chuckled almost maliciously, my hopes dashed I started to zone out in despair until I hear the click of a gun, looking up to see the female pirate pointing a gun at me, in my confusion I watch as the brat and the pirate bitch argue. The next thing I know I am on the brats shoulders as he carries me away, I try to no avail to get away and end up being thrown on this brats bed, eyes widening in shock, I come to understand I am about to be raped.


He is mine at last... well at least in body, but I want his heart. This beautiful sailor in front of me, he is all that and more of what I've always wanted. How do I win his heart though? I look upon his beautiful face trying to think of something and seeing a horrified face staring right at me. Does he think I will hurt him? I suppose it's only logical in his situation. I have yet to learn anything about him, "stay in here little raven, when I return I will have food for you" I say, seeing a disgusted face I continue "the food is clean and edible that I can assure you, this ship is clean as well, I would throw all crew over board if it wasn't". He puts on a blank face but his eyes are so expressive, I think I could fall for him "why aren't you killing me? I am supposed to be your enemy!" he question, the beautiful fury I see in his eye's light them up so much. "Also you're a pirate! Are you keeping me in here to make into a rape doll?!" The fear and anger in his eyes hurt me, I've only just acquired him in my custody and he is already swaying my heart to this degree. I scowl at the sailor "do you want me to rape you?" I see confusion on his face "do you want me to kill you? I will not do any of these things to you, though you may not believe me it doesn't matter, I unfortunately have more pressing things to deal with" after saying all this I walk out of the room, not giving him time to respond.

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