feel better :-))

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i write a lot of stuff from the top of my head so this is something that's been stuck in my head for days.

for you,

you could be having the time of your life right now. you could be travelling the world with your best friend or squad. you could be alive.

you who is in the lost-and-needs-help zone. if no one has reached their hand out to you yet, then i will. i will pull you up even if you push me down, i want to help you. if its another person's beauty you're facing right now, forget about that person, look at the mirror and look at yourself. the world only gets one version of you, and nobody can ever replace that. even a clone, pfft. it will never sum up to how you act or the way you act when you're in love. if it's demons that you're facing. hold on, don't let whatever its saying get into your beautiful mind. just hold on, everything gets better, i promise :-)
if it's about bullies, do not retaliate back. do not put yourself in danger ever again. ask someone who can help, eg; parent, teacher, older cousin. etc
you also have the right to study in a safe environment where colour, nationality and gender doesn't matter.

you need something to hold onto, hold onto me. i won't let you go, i won't lose my grip. if your emotions are rising up to the brim, let it all out, don't let it out in anger but in tears. cry until there's nothing left to cry for. if it's something/someone that's holding you back to be your best self, it's time to let it go.

if you think you are not loved, you are wrong. your family loves you, your friends love you. if you truly have no one, i love you.

don't forget to keep having dreams, have even bigger dreams! let yourself be creative and express your feelings and opinions freely. don't let your fears bring you down.

you have to see tomorrow because you don't know what it brings. what kind of colour will the sky be when the sun sets tomorrow? will there be a comet passing by tomorrow? will something good happen to me tomorrow?

for you who have been through so much in so little time, i'm proud of you brave warrior. having beaten till black and blue but here you are at your glory. i'm sorry you had to experience things at such degree. *virtual hug* but i guess that's what shapes us into the people we become tomorrow.

keep hope alive in your heart. be kind to people even though they treat you badly. love and cherish every moment you are with someone you truly love for when you leave for a different area, it takes a long time for you to cross paths again.

i'll end it in a happy note, you should feel alive. you should feel loved. you should feel free.

no matter where you are, take care.


hope that made you feel better :-))


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