Chapter Fifty-two - Ghee Grotto

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Chapter Fifty-two

Ghee Grotto

The journey from world to world was far different, and more astonishing, than Lincoln anticipated. On his very first stop, he was amazed to discover a crowd of inhabitants waiting to greet him. Though the beings he met were not officially informed of his visit, many said they dreamed of the arrival. Several held illustrations, paintings or other forms of expressive art displaying Lincoln and the heliodex. Sometimes, he was standing beside a tall tree. Often, he was holding hands with a girl.

Lincoln quickly discovered that as long as he was holding the heliodex, one hand on each of the dark, metallic caps, he could understand the language of those around him. The people of each world, as well, could comprehend his own words. Most were humanoid with two legs, two arms and the like, though some were more alien than those in the science fiction movies he loved so much. In the end, he treated them all with kindness and respect. He supposed the de’Malange chose these worlds specifically for their advanced social insight on peace and forbearance.

The act of planting the acorn, as well, defied expectation. Lincoln assumed he would just find an appropriate spot, bury it and move on.

The reality was far more elaborate. Though acting only on dream memories and feelings, the natives who greeted him were always ready with some type of tool to perform the planting. There was always great ceremony in the undertaking and when it was over, Lincoln was officially welcomed into their community. Sometimes, he would stay on as a guest for a few days. Often, he remained for weeks. There was usually some sort of grand gathering where he found himself standing before their population, retelling the story of the de’Malange. It was strange being the center of attention where before he’d rarely been alone. Now, there was no hand to hold, no voice in his mind to advise. After the first dozen acorns, Lincoln began to take his responsibility more seriously and gained confidence. With each successive visit, the crowds that welcomed him grew larger.

His role in this, he decided, was indeed important. He wasn’t the “lonely wanderer” he imagined, but a spiritual envoy.

When the time came to leave and greet the next race of beings, he simply stood before the area he’d planted the acorn. He didn’t even have to speak a Pandiment. He simply thought, “I’m ready,” and the portal irised open, welcoming him.

Some planets were more memorable than others, but he kept each one of them in his heart. There were even a few times when it was difficult to move on. Just one more day, he thought… Then another.

In the end, the portal called to him and the heliodex grew lighter in his hands.

One cool evening on Eskar Thens, Lincoln was able to turn the heliodex on its side and count the remaining acorns within. Nineteen. Nineteen more planets. Nineteen more ceremonies until…

The dreaded day came much sooner than he expected. Although his time away from Burnam Tau’roh was longer than Shipmaster Creek had estimated, nearly two years at Lincoln’s count, he was unsure how to prepare for the distant future he would be returning to.

The final planet was Ghee Grotto (at least that was how it translated) and Lincoln appeared in the center of a large, open arena. The people there, again anticipating his arrival, had spent months of their local time creating a large park with radial symmetry; the tree, which would become the focus of their culture, was to be planted in the center of seven grassy rings. Rows of curving seats surrounded the thirty-foot diameter circle Lincoln suddenly appeared in—there were no empty spaces to be seen. This time, he audience numbered in the thousands.

The ground was soft and mossy. He could tell just by the aroma that the soil beneath was rich and ready to cradle the miraculous, final seed of the de’Malange.

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