Permainan Hantu ( 9 )

958 40 2

Danger Level: Medium

Peringatan: Game ini tidak diketahui apakah ada pengaruh lanjutan. Sejauh ini, game ini cuma menyebabkan lecet kecil seperti dicakar kucing.

Bahan: dua orang, yang bakalan dicakar kucing dan storyteller (kalau bisa yang jago menghafal)

Cara bermain:
Anda duduk di lantai, dan teman Anda erbaring telentang, kepalanya di pangkuan agan. Anda arus mengelus-elus dahi teman Anda kayak ngelus kucing) ketika agan bercerita dua cerita di bawah ini:

There once was an old lady who owned a cat.
The cat was very nice.
It meowed and purred.
One day, the cat got hit by a car and died.
Catscratch, catscratch, catscratch.
The old lady got a new cat.
The cat was very mean.
It hissed and clawed.
Catscratch, catscratch, catscratch.
One day, the cat got hit by a car and died.
The old lady decided to not get anymore cats.
Catscratch, catscratch, catscratch.

Kemudian ceritakan lagi:

You are walking through a dark alley late at night.
You are the only one there.
The ground is slick with rain.
The alley is filled with garbage cans and litter.
But then you hear something.
A movement in the garbage cans.
You pick up your pace.
You want to get out of the alley fast.
But then you see something.
Red eyes. Glowing red cat eyes.
They are the eyes of an enormous cat.
You run, but the cat chases you and jumps on you.
It scratches you, one, two, three.
Cat scratch, cat scratch, cat scratch!

Setelah selesai bercerita, teman Anda harus cepat-cepat bangun. Suruh buka baju (jangan ngeres), dan kalau berhasil, Anda akan melihat ada bekas seperti cakaran kucing di punggungnya.

Penjelasan: Kuncinya adalah di dua cerita seram itu.

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