Meeting My Family... Again

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When I got into Silvermoon I went to my home. I was met by my sister Alidea Lightbringer, who apparently turned into a Marksmanhip hunter while I was gone. I had my helmet on so she couldn't see my face. I asked her where the Lightbringers lived.

"Oh, that's my last name, but they live in murder row. Down at the end across from the entrance to it. You can't miss the blue curtain like things," she told me, "Why are you asking about them?"

At that time I knew I had to take my helmet off. "I need to talk to Gradient Lightbringer," I said a I took off my helmet very slowly.

"What are you...," she was cut off by seeing my face, "Eve, Is that really you?"

"Yes, I am now please go on doing your business and act like I was not here, please."

"Sister, come home with me," she pleaded.

"I am coming home but, not with you. Does mother and father know I am alive?" I asked hoping for a 'no'.

"Father knows but mother is still grieving for the loss of you. Mother need to know you live now so hurry home," she said while getting back on her bright red hawkstrider (large chicken like things).

I started to mount up on Frost and walk away but he stopped and told me something, "Holybloold is also, still, grieving for you please go show him you are alive and well, too. For his sake."

"I will," I said as I slipped my helm back on and headed to murder row. Wow, I get to see my family again. Trion Forgeding said we might not see our families ever again but here I am heading home.  I walked for a while a realized I was being followed. I turned around and saw a small Blood elf (belf) boy.

"What do you need little boy?" I said halting Frost and looking down at him.

"I saw you talking to my sister.  Who are you?" he curiously replied. I have a little brother now? Now it can't be... or could it my mother did want to talk to me before I left for battle.

"I'm Evelaena. Why do you want to know?" I stated calmly.

"Your, Evelaena? You can't be my mother said you died to protect Silvermoon from the Scourge when I was born."

"I did die, but I was resuscitated as a Death Knight. Now go home and tell your father she is coming home. He will know what I'm talking about." He ran away I guess towards home. I started walking again but instead of going home I went to the bank. I withdrew money that I had saved when I wa a paladin (pally).


 I was getting dark so I headed toward Murder Row. 

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