2|its all for the aesthetic

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@HGBender :being aesthetically pleasing is vv hard ;)))

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@HGBender :
being aesthetically pleasing is vv hard ;)))

                                                                                                                                       57,687 likes 17,593 comments

@username: mommmmmm

@username: does ";)))" mean a third album?

@username: ^^^^

@username: calm down and let her live her life. she's only 17 smh the Stoners fandom is too much

@lovelylyds: <<<3 hot

@HGBender: ;) @lovelylyds

@queenelliot: mommmmmmm

@HGBender: ewwwwww

@username: and here we see the cutest best friend relationship ever (sorry Marty)

@MartyParty: @username I am highly offended

@queenelliot: look who's the better friend m80

@MartyParty: square up dood

@HGBender: woahwoahwoahwoah there frens calm down

@MartyParty: btw I take better aesthetic pictures that you :p

HGBender: you both take gr8 pics okie. It's all for the aesthetic

@queenelliot: fuck off.

@queenelliot: I'm more tumblr that both of you

@queenelliot: I have the guitar so...

@HGBender: woah let's not bring thy band into this

@MartyParty: and I play drums, LIKE JOSHUA FUCKING DUN

@HGBender: why the hell do I even bother with you two

in case you couldn't tell, elliot, marty, and harper are all in a band called Stoners
elliot is the guitarist/bassist
marty is the drummer
and harper is the main vocalist/founder

but what should the fandom be called? any suggestions?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2017 ⏰

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