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"911. What's your emergency?"

"M-my husband. He's trying to kill me," she stammered over the phone, trembling with fear.

"Where is your husband at right now, ma'am?" The 911 operator asked. She heard the operator typing away on her computer.

"I-I don't know. I hit him over the head and ran upstairs, locking myself in the bathroom."

"Can I get you and your husband's names, miss? And I see that you're calling from your home phone. I have your address and I'm sending officers to your location. Just hold on a little longer."

She didn't know if she could hold on much longer. The look on her husband's face just before he tried to do the unthinkable, she didn't recognize that person. She had never seen such rage, aggression, and hatred in her husband in the five years they have been married. She knew her husband was dealing with a lot recently but she never imagined he would try to kill her.

"Ma'am? Are you still there?"

"Yes I'm here. My name is Nia Thomas, and my husband's name is Dylan Thomas."

"Thank you for the information. Ju...." Before the operator could finish her statement the line went dead.

"Hello?" All Nia got back was dead silence from the other end of the phone. "Shit!" She threw the phone on the hardwood floor of the bathroom and leaned against the tub, knees up to her chest.

Nia thought about going out there to see where her husband was but she thought better of it. Her five foot five inch petite frame stood no match against his six foot two inch, work out machine of a muscular body.

She took a deep breath to calm her racing heart. "Just stay here until the police arrive," she told herself.

Nia knew it would take the police a while to get to her house. Their house stood all alone, surrounded by woods. A place she loved when they first moved there, but now she hated it.

Five minutes turned into ten. Ten minutes turned into twenty, and still she hadn't heard any sirens. But what frightened her more was that she hadn't heard her husband. Where could he be? Getting up from the cold floor of the bathroom, Nia made her way to the door. Just when she was about to unlock it she heard the doorknob jingle.

"I know you're in there, beautiful. Open the door so we can talk." He sounded like her husband but Nia knew that was not the case. He was different and the husband she knew and loved, he would never try to kill her. "Nia, baby, I'm sorry okay. Just open the door."

"Get away from the door, Michael. I've already called the police and they will be here any minute now."

She heard his sadistic laugh through the door. "You know. I should've killed you a long time ago, but he wouldn't let me."

"Michael, let Dylan out."

She didn't find out until it was too late that her husband was suffering from DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder). How can you be married to someone for five years and not know something so important? Nia asked herself that question all night. Looking in the medicine cabinet one day is how she found out about her husband's condition. She picked this night to ask him about it, but now Nia wished she hadn't.

Michael leaned his bloodied head against the door. "I'm sorry, but I can't do that. I'm actually enjoying my freedom right now. Do you know how long I wanted to fully take control of Dylan's body. It was like pulling teeth just to get him to kill all those people. Pulling teeth. Wrong choice of words there." He laughed.

"Y-you killed those people?"

"Technically, it was Dylan who did all the killing. I just advised."

Nia looked around the bathroom for any kind of weapon to use to defend herself. Because any minute now she knew Michael, Dylan, or whoever the hell he was calling himself, was going to bust through the door. And right on cue he did just that.

Nia stumbled back and fell against the tub. She saw the blood on his temple from where she hit earlier. Her eyes went big though when she spotted a butcher knife in his hand.

"All you had to do was open the door like the good bitch that you are." He slowly advanced on her, and when he was in reaching distance he roughly grabbed Nia by her hair, yanking her to her feet. "Now I'm going to have to teach you a lesson and your poor, weak husband isn't going to stop me this time."

My Husband The Psychopath (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now